
I want to be happy.?

by  |  earlier

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I want to be happy, but I don't know how. At times I seem to be happy for a while, then i'm just not anymore. I don't have a specific reason for being unhappy and don't know how to become happy again.




  1. When you start to feel unhappy, just acknowledge that you're unhappy and try to be present to the people around you.  If you're alone, don't dwell on yourself.  Think about something you're grateful for.

  2. go with Tara's answer. being graful of things you have make know that there are places people don't have what you have and some people don't even have food to eat and died of hunger, and are drinking poluted water or no water at all.

    being happy strat with appreciated what you have now and little that you will know is that you will get more of what good things in your life and even other better things start to be better just because you know that you have more compare to some people.

  3. drink depression pills.  

  4. well im always happy when im with god lolz!

    But anyway since this isnt revolving round religion

    umm what i do even if im not happy i just try out new things and do my best to keep busy. Like it could be anything like just walk up to the shops. buy new clothes. Or like ring someone. Watch some funny videos on the net. Write a story be creative. Like i dont know thats how i keep myself happy. lolz! Cause i know if i just sit there and do nothing and stare at the wall then i would be waisting time lolz! See for me answering yahoo answers makes me happy AHAH cause i know im trying to help someone out!

    well i hope that you become happy or find new ways to make urself happy again :)

    tke care god bless


  5. i get it too : ( sometimes i try to act happy... if im busy, with people : ( i am distracted, when im alone... and thinking deeply, about the past and future... i feel sad.... : ( maybe your problems lie in you, deep in your mind... i suppose you shouldnt worry about things, if you dont worry about the problems in your life then being happy might be easier... i worry tho, worry and think too much... thats why im depressed

  6. I think maybe don't try to be happy at all, that is unrealistic.  Human life is full of suffering (war, hunger, poverty, abuse, depression, disease) and always has been and we are not meant so much to be happy as to be resilient and strong.  So be resilient and strong.  In the meantime find very small things that please you and do those, for example I like to watch people as I drive my car and imagine what they are about and observe their posture and their mannerisms and comment on these with my loved ones and friends -- this is not "happiness" exactly but is a small interesting thing to do to make life slightly more bearable.  s*x food art and small cute animals also help

  7. "Be of good cheer" There is a God and He is mindful of you.If one sparrow falls from the sky-He knows about it. He Knows how many hairs are on your head.He Cares.There are hills and valley's in life and he is in both the high and low places.Finding God doesn't mean finding an endless smile, it means finding a way to deal with when the smiles fade.Find Him-Call on Him.
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