
I want to be the best!?

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i want to get so much better at golf, but my scores are so inconsistent. One day i would shoot maybe 85, then the next day i go out i shoot a 95, it just doesnt make sense! I love golf with a passion, and i want to make it to collegiate golf, and see where i go from there. I know i have the skills to do well, but i think my biggest problem is being mentally strong. I llose focus, and it just gets so hard sometimes. And i kno i get down and am too hard on my self, but its frustrating because i practice monday-friday and ocassionally play once on the weekend, but i dont feel like im getting anywhere. I want to be so good, i just dont know what to do anymore. And i especially hate making the same mistakes over again, but i do in golf.




  1. Good for you, we all strive to be the best.  It appears that you have the commitment.....So, talk to a professional at your golf club and have him/her take a look at you.  He can make some suggestions for you to work on and would be glad to give you a lesson or two.

    If you notice the scores of the pros on the tour, some days they will shoot a 63 or 65 and then the next day come up with a 73 or 75.  That is just golf.

    Strive to come within 3 shots above or below of your handicap.  When you do, you can consider yourself as being consistent.  

    Most improvement comes from scoring from 100 yards and into the hole.  Practice this important part of the game.

    Do you practice or just hit balls?

    Always let the last shot die in your mind before you hit your next shot.  Focus on the moment.

  2. good luck

  3. Focus!

  4. firstly its awesome that you have a goal and that ur striving for it. and personally, I have the same problem with sports. If i start losing, its hard for me to get back up again.

    But in golf, everything is incredibly technical and the slightest mistake can s***w you over. The only thing i can suggest is when you practice, and you make a mistake, stop and think. What did you do wrong. Try and see your swing as if you're another person watching you, sometimes that helps. Once you can pinpoint your problem, try and fix it. Yes, its old fashioned, but learn from your mistakes, dont keep making them!!

    And, take each shot at a time. Dont think about the shot you just made, think about the one your taking NOW.

    Keep at it! if you have the skills you say you do, Im sure you'll suceed.

    I hope this helped.

    Good luck.

  5. It's not bad to want to win. It gets wrong when you make your life on it.

  6. If you want to get better try taking lessons from your local PGA pro. This will take you to the next level. As far as focus, i used to be just like you, i would get frustrated, lose focus and blow up. To stay focused make a pre shot routine and do it before everyshot. Mine is, i choose my club, get behind the ball and find my target and imagine the shot i want to hit, take a couple practice swings and pull the trigger. Do this routine no matter how bad you are doing, it will prevent you from blowing up. And remeber its just a game, try to have fun and put effort into every shot.

  7. so....what are you waiting for?

  8. Take the advice msegar gave you and also if you have access to a video camera use it to evaluate yourself.

    Just hitting balls will do nothing for you if do not set up a target. Rate yourself on how well you did.

    Keep the driver in the bag until you hit close to your target a couple of times then reward yourself with a blast with the big stick.

    Once your swing is honed in I think any pro would tell you that if you want to score you need to work backwards, that is putt, chip, mid irons, then the driver. Missed putts and errant chips add up fast.

  9. "...that no one ever was!"

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