
I want to become a teacher....

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I need to know how many years of college does it take to become a teacher? If your a teacher yourself answering this how much do you make a month/year? What is better, teaching for a public school or a private school? thanks =)




  1. public school you get more money (about $50,000)

    and i think like 4 yrs


  2. I personally work for a charter school, which is a public school just not part of any school district.  Though I get paid more then at a regular public school the hours are different.  Since I don't know what state you are from I can only tell you about California's requirements.  Which are as follows, you need your BA or BS in the subject matter that you want to teach in.  I You then need to go to a credential program, which usually takes about a year. I have my multiple subject credential, which means I can teach elementary school.  Also don't forget about the different tests that you have to take.  Right now in California you need to take f different tests in order to become a teacher.  

  3. well i know you go through 3 years of trainning before you can teach.

    if that helps =]

  4. I don't actually have any words of wisdom but i just wanted to say good for you!, theres nothing more important than teaching young minds!!. Good luck hun x.

  5. You only have to be 18 years old to SUB. at my school but i don't know about a "teacher's" spot..... (Most of my teachers are like 40 or older.)

  6. You would need a Bachelors degree from an accredited University and then an additional year to get your Teacher's Certification.  Starting salary is different for every school district.  But salary increases automatically every year you are teaching.  School districts will have this information available for public use so you can go into the school district and search for it.  Also, you get additional pay increases for higher learning degrees such as a Masters degree.

    Public schools pay much more than private.

  7. i'm not a teacher.

    but i do hope to become one eventually, i think its four years though!

  8. To become a teacher, you need  a bachelors degree in teaching.  At the University of Maryland, You graduate from the School of Education. When decalaring teaching, you have to pick a subject.

    BTW if you pick math, you only have to take a few more classes to double major in Teaching and Math.  A good friend of mine almost did this until she was asked to be married.

    I got a BS from the school of education but did not pursue teaching.  For those who wanted to teach, their last semester is OJT at a school near where they live.  After graduation, they apply during a hiring workshop.

    You will become an employee of the County, not the state.  If you go private, good luck earning a living unless your school is accredited and has a phenominal college acceptance rate.

    Be advised that once you are a certified teacher, you have to become recertified if the topics require it.  Some counties require a Master's Degeree.  Some require a Masters after so many years on the job.

    My wife teaches special ed.  She has been teaching for 15 years and makes over 50K

  9. I teach in an Urban Public School, so most would say my job is pretty stressful, and it is... but the salary isn't bad. I make just under 50k a year. (with 9 years of experience) Expect to make significantly less in Rural areas. To become a teacher, you need to find a certified University (usually small Public colleges are the best for this sort of program, because they don't cost as much as larger and private instititutions and often began as 'Teaching Colleges') to earn you BSEd, Bachelor of Science in Education.  

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