
I want to buy a mouse?

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I want to buy a mouse, but I want to save it from being tested on and such. Do laboratories buy their mice from pet stores or do I need to go to Johnson and Johnson and demand a mouse? Hah, I'm really confused on how to go about doing this, plus I have boycotted petsmart, but there is a small pet store over by me that sells small white mice. Should I just buy one from there and save it from getting eaten by a snake? Should I buy multiples?




  1. if you only want one, then buy one male and put him in a nice cage, if you want two or three, buy all females and put them together. I have 6 mice myself, all rescues from being eaten from snakes and the males are in separate cages and the four females are together. They are easy to care for all you need is a food dish and a shallow water dish(I find that water bottles are too hard for them to drink from), rat and mouse food, some sort of treat, a house and a wheel and you are all good.  

  2. By saving one you are condemning another to be eaten/experimented with in its place.
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