
I want to change schools?

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school starts on tuesday.

and im going into grade 8.

i just moved houses a couple weeks ago and theres a school that they JUST built across the street from my house.

so this year will be the first year for everyone.

and today i went with my mom to the school and got an information package and everything to fill out so i could change.

but when i asked my dad,

he was pissed and said that i couldnt.

but i really dont know why.

because it would be ALOT easier for him.

he wouldnt need to pick me up,

nobody would need to drop me off.

i could just walk.

he started to make an excuse that my teacher is waiting for me blah blah blah.

but i really DONT want to go back to that school.

i feel like not alot of the girls want to be my friend, but the guys.. there basicly my best friends.

i just want to start new and fresh.

and a new school.

and EVERYONE there is going to be new.

how can i make my dad say yes?




  1. its simple.  express to your dad how you feel like just like you expressed your thoughts here.  dads should understand these things. tell him that you have trouble making friends in the older school.  tell him that you really want a fresh start and that you are ready for a change.  tell him you want to start clean.  

  2. just egnore him and tell him its your life and if ya wanna go to a new school, h3ll just go to it;...

  3. Thats a good question but I changed schools sophmore year and was so happy i did. I also went from and old crappy school to a new one. TEll him the teachers and books and junk are better therfore making you education better.

  4. i totally understand wat ur going through. i finally convinced my parents to let me change schools to start fresh and im going into 9th grade and start Wed. i finally got them to say yes by telling them how stressed out that school was making me. i have alot of ex friends who go to that schools and if i see them again i will fight with them. and they dont want me to fight with anyone. i was also failing alot of classes cus of it. they saw how emocianal i was and how stressed out i was and how much sleep i was losing over it. if i were u i would tell ur dad how more convient it would be for u and him if u didnt already. if he is still saying no just tell him how much that school is making u stressed and u feel that ur grades will drop if u go back cus of all the stress. no parent wants there kid to have bad grades. also tell him wat u said about girls not wanting to be ur friend and how this is a better chance to make new and better friends. if he still says no just say dont u remember wat it was like to be my age? cus usually when a parent is in denial that much and close minded about this kind of thing there having trouble relating cus they forgot how it felt. if u say that then he might start to realize how hard it is for u cus he might remember how hard it is to be ur age. if he still says no then i would say to him lets make a deal..if u give me a chance in this new school i promise to have good grades..if i dont have anything below a B in all my classes at the end of the 1st semester than i get to stay in this school..if i have anything below a B then u can do wat u want to do. that should work cus u can prove to him how much better this school is and he will feel better knowing that ur getting good grades. so i would do that as a last resort. i really hope ive helped especially cus i was going through the same thing only a week ago so i no how u feel. and with making friends that r a girl and i can tell when a guy is faking his personality and i dont like that. i like it when guys r themselves whether it be goofy..funny..or watever he is. so just be urself and dont be afraid to start random conversations with girls cus i always hate it when im the one who has to say sumthin weird to get him to talk. good luck and u can e-mail im curious on how it goes! :)

  5. grow up.. this is school man i went to 5 schools (high schools) and im 15.. its not fun. you'll be the outcast.. your thinking you'll be the new hot dude n stuff.... aint gunna happen your gonna be the exact same.

    lsn to your father bro

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