
I want to go homeschooling!!!?

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Ive had trouble at school, not education, im pretty smart. I dont like bull **** drama, etc. Ive been through so many things i feel emo and caged, other dont know they have friends that are close, i feel being alone and working on things that matter than going and contributing my mind to such childish games, i have 3 years and im done, counting this one, im a sophmore fyi, now i need a way to convince my parents and persuade them, they have an old school mentality that school educates the mind of youth loool its all bull **** ive learned everything from playing games and my computer and my relatives, and i have many secrets ive kept in for 4 years, how should i throw the conversation at them, help!




  1. Check out some books on homeschooling in the library and read them, then bring it up with your parents. Try to talk to them in a rational manner about why you think HSing would be good for you rather than complaining about what you don't like at school. Homeschooling is a good option for some kids, a person doesn't have to have a problem with the school system in order to homeschool; they can do it just because it has it's own benefits and good points. As them to at least read the books or talk to some local homeschool groups and consider it. It might not change their mind, but you never know.

  2. It's the same for me, only when i was finishing 9th grade I fell in with a really bad crowd cuz I couldn't stand all the bull anymore so I just lowered myself to their level. My parents pulled me out and i've been homeschooled and LOVING it ever since. This is my last year (victory dance)! Try explaining to them very calmly why you want to switch with examples, why homeschooling will be much better, and some options for homeschooling you could take (like how you can start it. Here there's a government system called ADLC - Alberta Distance Learning Center - that handles that, among others).

    Also about the social side of things:

    That was my argument originally for NOT wanting to be homeschooled, but it's a hollow one. If you live in town/city it's ridiculously easy to retain the social aspect of things. If you don't, join a club or group (I take dance classes and martial arts) that gets together once or twice a week and you'll have all the social interactment you need. Maybe give them a few examples of things you could join too, to make your argument stronger.

    Good luck! I really hope you're able to convince them!

  3. Why? why? why? your mind has problems?

  4. personally i dont like the drama and stuff at school either but i think if u get homeschooled for the rest of the time. You have to learn to deal with being with other people and stuff so its kind of like getting u prepared for when ur out of school i know it may be annoying but if u try to deal it will probably pay off in the future. You should also try building your social skills more so i dont think you should get homeschooled but if thats what you really want then thats ur decision.

  5. First question: Are the parents you want to educate you capable of doing this, as in do they have the time and the want to do it?

    Also, see if you can propose a sort of self-education study. Tell your parents that you want to study this, and this, and this, on top of your regulars: english, math, history, government, finance, and science. Or, if they'll allow, you might skip those {although, you'll be at a disadvantage.}

    Anyways, there are plenty of websites out there that you can use as resources.


    WIKIPEdIA.COM -- has lots of links to cool learning resources!

    Anyways, just bring it up as to why you want to do it, and how you will do it, as in a plan.

    Don't just say "I want to be homeschooled." YOu have to have an argument planned, and you have to be ready to refute their worries. Go in with a full aresenal.

  6. You are almost at the end of the road...if I understand well, you only need two or three more years at school and you are out.

    Homeschooling at your age and with "old school mentality" parents will be difficult (for them).

    I suggest you do some research about DL (Distributed Learning) in your area and if it is accepted to finish your high. That will allow you to continue with your studies and be out of school without bothering your parents with issues such as how to begin "teaching", "tutoring" or supervising you...

    I also suggest you do research on homeschooling, read  a few books on the subject and present a plan to your parents.

    Usually, if you come with a plan and demonstrate you are able to commit yourself to something you really want to do (according to your own goals and not theirs or the school's), the parents are open to listen and accept.

    Homeschooling yourself is a challenge, and it takes a lot of strenght and self-control. If you don't do it with a goal in your mind, you'll find yourself losing your time playing computer games, watching TV and sleeping and you will end up depressed, bored and frustrated.

    You are completely right about school, and I trust you know better what you have to learn and you know how to teach it yourself. Now you have to take it all and explain to your parents what your goals are.

    Good luck. You are brave

  7. Been Unschooling on your own, eh.

    You do understand while you CAN get into college IF you take the courses at home (Geometry, Trig, Physics, CHemistry, Biology, Statistics, Civics, English Lit and Grammar) you generally don't get a diploma from about 80% of the home offerings out there and IF you are in a state like NY then you HAVE to take the GED to get into college in NYS.

    Just understand that pit fall.  Also understand some homeschoolers get into Stanford at age 16 or 17.

    Put togther a presentation.  

    Do the research (now if you can't do that, you're not going to homeschool very well, because the WORK is up to YOU).

    There ARE scientific studies on homeschool that show it raises grade levels up to 3 grades in as little as two years.

    Put together the types and costs of materials required for the first year.  Put your ciriculum together.

    Find a Geometry or Trig text that will work for you or software or web sites.

    Pick out 5 books of high value for English.  Some Steinbeck, some Twain, some Dickens, maybe Gore Vidal's 'Burr,' which can also serve as history.

    If you have CAble outline your plans to watch Discovery, Science, PBS, History

    Outline your plans to go to the library and read the NY Times or Washington Post, Newweek, Time on a weekly basis (Civics)

    Get a book on Inorgnaic Chemistry

    Get a book on Geology

    Show them the Geography websites and how you are going to work on learning to name ALL the US states and hopeuflly ALL the countries of the world and OFFER TO LET THEM TEST YOU ON IT every 10 weeks to see if you are improving!

    Show them the homeschool statistics on kids getting into college from total homeschool programs.

    Make an arguement

    Be a lawyer!

    Convince a jury!

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