
I want to help people?

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im still at bit young 13 going 14 really

does anybody no where i can get a job that may pay or voluntry.

i cant really travel that far i live in kent welling/bexelyheath. ive tried voluntry centre near me its too far

any suggestions or do u need help dnt be afraid to ask




  1. Your a good girl!, how about asking around your area and of course asking your parents permission first to find out if there are any senior citizens that would like help with shopping, housework e.t.c. good luck and well done!!

  2. Hello,

    Have you tried speaking to your local g.p centre,you may find postcards on there boards you the elderly needing help.

    I think you may be to young though.

    I went into auxillary nursing when i was i was learning and being paid at the same time.Once i was 18 i went into nurse Training.

    I believe most buisnesses like residential care homes,vets ,and voluntary services have insurances ,this would not cover you due to your age.

    But there is no harm in enquireing to the voluntary sevice group near you.

    good luck.

  3. we are a society based in Yemen and hope that you can help us by finding medical volunteer sending agencies have a wish to make medical missiond to help poor and needy children and families in Yemen

  4. Barb, try nursing homes, go to peoples homes that you are old. Apartment complex for senior citizens.

  5. yes, U can share ur knowledge with those illerate people working in small-scale industries around u &get return. by this way u achieve both the purposes ie.-expidition of literacy program as well as mony.

  6. I think you are great, it is so nice to see Simone your age that wants to help others, I think your best bet is to ask around in your local area, I bet there are lots of elderly  people who live on their own and need help with shopping etc. I know your area I have a friend who helps elderly ladies with their gardens, some spend days alone  without seeing anybody I am sure that they would love to see a friendly face now and again.

  7. How about volunteering at school?

  8. What a great attitude.

    I think you should work closely with your parents and teachers...on this one, they will be the best people to guide you.

  9. I am not sure about where you are (I am assuming England)

    I think is international try that

    Also as a 14 year old, if it's anything like in the US you can get your working papers and get a part time job.  but it's hard to do.

    There is the church, the salvation army, clothing stores.  You're too young to volunteer in pre-schools and shelters, but babysitting would be good. You are not too young to do that. I had my first babysitting job at age 9.  Try it.
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