
I want to help...?

by Guest62822  |  earlier

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I've joined the Nature Conservancy online, but this isn't enough. I want to help out any way that I can. I've been sitting down for too long and I want to make a stand. What are some ways that I can help in my community? Could I use my school as a way to start? How can I make known the wrong that humanity has done to other species? People these days are more concerned with the now instead of conserving for future generations. I just feel like we are not doing enough. I can't help but to think that I could have started this so much sooner. But, better late then never. Thanks to anyone that helps!!!!! And hopefully you will spread the message to help, too. One person makes a difference.




  1. Awareness is your key.   You need to make people aware of the things that we have done to not only other species, but to ourselves,the environment, and the Earth.

    Look at those things that we have done, and get your facts straight and then make articles and put them in your local newspaper.

    Get any type of medical documents that support your cause.

    Prove to people that what they eat is killing them.

    Prove to  people that because of what we have done to the earth, is killing them.

    Prove to everyone your sources, and your back up documentation for which ever category your trying to make people aware of.

    At one time, you yourself was not aware of those things that you know about now.  

    How was it that you became aware of what you know?

    Use the same awareness for others.

    Your right, every person that helps is one more person who saves the earth, the people, and the species.

    Good Luck!

  2. Well, the first thing you can do is to live what you believe.  That means that every day you are doing something to ensure that you are not contributing to the delinquency of others.  Part of education is talking to people and showing people by example what can be done.  It's the power of one.  Do you recycle?  Do you sort your trash because you have to or because you know you should and you want to ensure that anything that can be reused is?  Do you use poisons for pest control?  Think about it!   Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  When poisons are used on pests, other species eat the pests -- birds eat mice, and mosquitoes, frogs eat other bugs -- we are contributing to the destruction of the human race.  We forget that we are all interdependent upon each other and our plants.  So, what you can do is remember and teach that everything we do effects or has an affect on everything else and our survival in general.
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