
I want to live in Texas?

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How good/bad is it there? Is there a brochure I can get or a website I can go to?




  1. Try Houston. Tons of Jobs. Awesome Nightlife (Some freaky stuff too!!!)

  2. It's hot and boring to me.


    This web site has information about areas of Texas. Admittedly it caters more to tourists, but you should be able to get an inkling of what you are looking for. In addition, cities in Texas have their own web sites.

    As for how good or bad it is here, I've chosen to live here. I moved here 31 years ago (I was in high school then). I've had many opportunities to leave, but always come back. Texas is far more "home" to me than New York (where I was born), New Jersey (where I spent my childhood), Illinois, Virginia, Georgia, and California (where I was stationed in the Navy), Connecticut (my first college) or Massachusetts (where I was a toddler). I've traveled quite a lot around the country (and others, but that isn't germane to this topic) and always enjoy coming home.

  4. The city is very big, the metro area is about 5 mill, the air is very polluted, the traffic is incredible, the people are often self-absorbed (always on  their cell phones) and therefore rude, the crime rate is moderately high, 350 murders/year, gang shooting, drug dealers, etc. Your typical American city, but better than DC.

    The heat and humidity is unbearable. One word about driving: If you cannot learn to handle a cell and a cup of coffee while driving, learn to not obey the speed limit, cut in in front of other cars, and do absolutely stupid things like running through red traffic lights, I would seriously doubt you would reach a mature age. And remember when you get here to carry an exposed  weapon. Also when you see your neighbor's house being robbed, be sure you have a shotgun to kill those perpetrators.

    (If you think I am having fun with this, you are wrong, all these things are happening)

    But there is one reason to come here: The economy is good, particularly if you have professional and engineering skills, the cost of living is relatively low, no state income tax, but a 8.25% sales tax. The median house is below $200k, but property taxes are high (It makes up for the lack of an income tax).

    If you have other alternatives to get a job, look at those places first. The scenery is lousy, all is flat, infra structures are poor and city services are limited.

    If you have low skills, you will compete with Hispanics (legal and illegal) for low paying jobs. If you speak Spanish you will feel right at home.  If you are a girl, bring a bodyguard.

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