
I want to move to Australia!?

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Hi guys, I'm from Malaysia and I want to move to Australia. I have a friend living there in Melbourne and I'm currently in the 8th Grade. Is it possible for me to just move to Melbourne and find a school there to study? Because I don't really like it here in my city on the island of Borneo. And must I do some important school stuff before I can go? I also don't want to graduate in Malaysia =/ .. I am really interested in coming to Australia. My English is not bad because I'm not fully Malaysian. But the bad thing is I have a Malaysian IC and Passport. Sigh ..




  1. You could come to school here, but you have to find and be accepted at a school before you can apply for a student visa. Because of your age, it would have to be a boarding school and would be very expensive as fees for International students are very high. Your visa would also require that your school fees are paid up front and you would have to leave the country as soon as you leave the school. Boarding schools have a responsibility to look after their students at all times and are therefore quite restrictive so you would probably not be able to see your friend very often.

    If you can handle all of the above and your parents agree, go to:

    and check out the rules and requirements.

  2. No, you can NOT "just move there and go to school"

    You won't get pass immigration if you are going to do that.

    There are immigration laws and regulations you will need to look into.

    Many people think they can try to just catch a plane to Australia and walk into the country and get away with it but sooner or later, they will be caught and  get sent straight back to your country. We have very strict immigration control at the border.



  3. I'm sure this is not possible

    But to find out more I recommend to ask immigration guidlines at the Australian Government.

    What can tell you is that ankur d is not right.

  4. i cant tell u abt ur frnd but all the aussies are very selfish, thnking they r better than anyone and they jealous of him who is better .so its good in malasyia.{experianced}

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