
I want to publish a book.?

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I have a book that I've been typing for quite some time and I've just recently finished it. It has three segments and its very thick. I was wondering, where could I get the information, or even, where could I get it published? I would like to have it published so that it can be sold in book stores (that is if its even good or interesting enough for readers). It would be really helpful to me. Thanks. ;)




  1. do an internet search for small, independent publishers

  2. Again, s**y is right.  It doesn't matter how many pages you have if it's not any good.  Look at Nicholas Sparks--The Notebook, The Wedding) or Morrie Absolm (? sp--Tuesdays With Morrie, Five People You Meet in Heaven).  They're not long, but they have a strong publishing history.


  3. Ah, if it were only that easy.

    Write a book and just get it published.

    Publishers get thousands of manuscripts all the time.  it will take diligence, tenacity and years of rejection.

    Good luck.

    PS - When you typed your question, didn't YA prompt you that there are hundreds of the exact same question?

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