
I want to start writting poetry...?

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but I don't really know how to start. Any tips or websites?





    Just start by venting--Buy a nice journal and just put all your emotions out there. Doesnt matter if they make sense or not. After you have done that. go back and pick out things that sound good and putting them into a structure. h**l I have vented for a few pages and taken pieces from it and made it into a few poems. Don't try and force it, it will sound contrived--Just let loose and it will come to you--It doesnt have to sound perfect or what you feel others would like. Do it for you first

  2. I loved what dragon had to say, he had some good advice there!

    I also to have some good advice that was given to me, and would like to pass it on to you!

    There is a wonderful book out there, with just about anything you would like to know about poetry! Just received the book myself  a few days ago, just wonderful!!

    The New Book Of Forms by Lewis Turco

    You will love it!  A must for any poet!! Cheers !!!

  3. You could start by reading poetry until you find the kind of stuff you like best. Then just go for it. Write so that the reader will understand what you're feeling, but also see a lyrical beauty to it. Experiment with rhyming or free verse. It can be awkward at first, but you'll get better the more you write.

  4. some1 else cant really teach you how to write poetry. its just ur feeling written down. think of something ur passionate about and give it a try. its easier than u think!

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