
I was thinking about getting married?

by  |  earlier

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i love my man and he say's he love me too and has asked me to marry him about three times already and i keep telling him no because out of the four years we have been together he's cheated on me once and i dont know if he will do it again. what should i do?




  1. Been there went through all that. I don't know if it was pre marriage counseling and church that had helped my guy and i work things out. Nevertheless, The love and faith was there and determination to indeed try to over come. Both males and females have cheated in relationships, and it's easy to say oh girl walk it off and forgive him that he really loves you. No, sit down and seriously discuss everything, being engaged and the time being a trail run for a year.  if things are meant to be then you both can plan a wedding, but stress to him marriage does not garantee his being faithful to the marriage or to you.. express your fears or concerns as to why you have said no to him. Even though surely he knows, but voice it to him clamly and clearly so he fully understands.

  2. If you are having to ask people on Yahoo Answers whether or not you should get married, that is a pretty good indication that the answer is No. Dont be ridiculous.

  3. Stand by your man.

  4. If you think he will cheat again then you should move on. There isn't trust there and you haven't totally forgiven him for the first affair. This is not a way to start a marriage.

    If you think this is something you can get past with time, then I suggest couples therapy to help the process along.  

  5. The only good reason to marry somebody is because you know you can rely on the person to always be there for you.  The only way you can feel safe relying on somebody is when you feel you can place all your trust in them.  The only way you can truly trust them is by knowing that they would never do anything to hurt you.  If you are not sure you trust him not to cheat on you, then he really shouldn't be your husband.

  6. Sorry to say but once a cheater always a cheater.  I wouldn't marry him.

  7. If you have to ask this question then you already know the answer.  Don't do it.  

  8. Was the cheating recent or did it happen a long time ago.  If it was recent then no but if he cheated when you first got together and hasn't done it since then go for it.

  9. well think about how long its been since he cheated on u

    if it was in the past 2 years then i would wait a little longer

    but if it was early in the relationship like half a year then i would consider it a possible yes

    cuz back then he was naive and he didnt kno that u would become the love of his life

    and if its right in ur heart and u kno he is trully sincere then u should have no problems

    but it sounds like u still dont completely trust him

    i would give a little while

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