
I was thinking about it today?

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Where do birds go to die?




  1. they join the eating the top

  2. Birds, will go to secluded hiding places when they are ill to rest. If they get well they will leave these places, however if they die they'll become food for other animals and insects.

  3. <<Where do birds go to die?>>

    Usually nowhere in particular.  The overwhelming majority of animals drop dead way before they even approach "the end of their allotted lifespan".  They get killed by hunger, illness, violence...

    You see the bodies relatively rarely because nature employs a remarkably efficient crew of clearer-upperers.  The cast varies somewhat depending where you happen to be.  Here in Germany, the cleaning staff include foxes, various birds, lots of insects, and masses of single-celled organisms of one kind or another.  If there's a body lying on the ground, somebody will turn up thinking "yummy", and some of those guys work mostly at night.

  4. uh.... the same place as every other animal? Its not like they're thinking, "oh i have to die tomorrow. I better fly to New Jersy." I think they just sort of die wherever whenever.

  5. If they are able they hide away if old and/or hurt. Eventually the animale dies or gets eaten by local foxes or racoons. Cats and dogs/cyotoes as well odd persons picking them up. Some even just die int he bush and reenter the food chain and get eaten by bugs and worms and that kind of stuff. Pretty nasty to touch.  If you see  or find a bird on the ground that cant fly and in distress, call 911 and tell them about it. Tell them to come get that bird. Its is acting very strange and weird.

  6. i think seagulls go to die in the sea

    other birds might just die where they drop..

    others might go to a nest

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