
I was wondering?

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my friend has moved into a new house and she tried ordering something online but couldnt because her house is black listed she was told. i have been told you have to pay a fine so your house wont be black listed anymore but my friend just doesnt know where to go to pay the fine she's been to the council but they didnt know so i was just wondering where you would pay your fine




  1. no such thing.

    from whom did she try to order?

    ---something is fishy here.

    businesses are black listed, not houses.

  2. you can not black list a house. you can black list a person or family but NOT a house...

    get a p o box and order things.

  3. Up until 1993, it was legal to "blacklist" or "redline" homes, people and even entire regions and cities.  People/places that were blacklisted could either be denied services or ordered to pay higher fees because of their black list status.

    In 1993, the Credit Scoring Scheme outlawed the practice of blacklisting a particular property, such as a home.  Now, only individual people can be blacklisted.  

    Your friend needs to report this incident and company declining her service to each of the three credit  bureaus immediately.  Those are:

    1) Experian

    2)  Equifax

    3) TransUnion

  4. what does black listed mean? does it mean no online stuff will be delievered to her house?

  5. I thought you couldn't blacklist a house but reading a bit about this, it sounds like when a person is blacklisted then the address they are at is blacklisted too (in some cases).  

    This being the case, maybe if you called up the credit reporting agencies and told them you now live there, they should remove the address.  I'm not really sure on this and being able to do this to a house is news to me, but that sounds like the problem.  Doesn't sound like any fine is owed (lol, unless you wanted to pay the former owners debts).

  6. 2 things.  If the house is really brand new, it is still listed as a vacant lot for almost 6 months.  The companies will not ship to a vacant lot.  That is how they get cheated.

    If the previous occupant was a thief and the companies won't ship to your house, you'll have to pay by check for a while until they get to know you.  I had to go in person to turn on my water because the previous owner kept cheating them and saying the house had sold and got the water turned back on then didn't pay again. A nightmare.
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