
I went too long without masterbating.?

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Now i'm very irritable. Should I start again? Kind of depressed from daily things I have to deal with.

I was told by a christian it was a sin, but every since I stopped, i've been feeling depressed. Help?




  1. It is a sin because it's considered as abuse to your own body, but then again nobody's perfect & we all fall short to the glory of God.

    I guess it would be ok.

  2. Masturbating is a perfectly healthy thing to do. If it isn't against your beliefs i would start again because again... it is a perfectly healthy and natural thing to do.

  3. It is totally a natural thing to do for both sexes, because we were all born to have sexual desires.  Some religions say certain things are a sin because controlling natural, universal desires gives them power over people's lives.  Don't fall for it.

    Any modern book or article (Wikipedia) on s*x will tell you it is normal and widely practiced.  So will any doctor, s*x ed teacher, psychiatrist, etc.

    Enjoy life.  Be happy.

  4. I assure you that it is a very natural part of life.  I really dont think that god would have made your hands long enough to reach if he thought it was wrong.  

  5. It's fine.  Sins aren't real.  Right and wrong are subjective.  You're not hurting anyone by doing it, right?  Christians are full of it, and shouldn't be listened to.

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