
I won my first 5k!....?

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Im 14 and just won a 5k for the first time! I WON A PIE!! I picked Cherry Crisp over Peach and Tollhouse. Did I make the right choice? I WON PIE! AND A GOLD MEDAL! DO YOU WIN PIES WHEN YOU WIN RACES? I think its the race organizers plan to spread the winnings each year. Give the fast people pies to fatten 'em up so theyll be fat and slow next time and someone else will win! LMAO




  1. I've never heard of pies being given out at a meet. weird...

  2. Congrats on winning the 5k. i'm just curious as to what your time was b/c i've done xc for 3 years and i'm 17 now so i'm wondering how well you did if you won. In all reality if you made the right choice is your personal decision. what pie do you love the most and if you keep training then it won't make you fat because you'll burn those calories off quickly. I don't know if open races give pies to winners but i think that's all in the decision of the hosts of the race.

  3. Well done, you seem to be quite proud of yourself. i got the saame feeling when i won my first race. actually i cant remember winning my first race it was like 8 years ago! when i was in gr 5. i think i won the 100m or 200m. cant really remember. i can remember when i won my favourite event the 400m. it was gr 9 and i was so fricken happy. its an awesome feeling to know that you acomplished something isnt it.

  4. Haha congratulations!!! That is a good time, they actually do have a race in my city where you guess your mile time at the beginning, and the top people that get closest to their guessed time win their pick of pies.  I'm glad that there are other pie opportunities out there.

    Unfortunately, you may have made the wrong pie choice, Tollhouse can be PRETTY AWESOME.  And it does sound like a ploy to spread the winnings, unlike my pie race.

    But good job, enjoy the pie, and the wonderful tradition of pie races!

  5. Congrats. If you liked the pie, you obviously made a good choice. And if you keep running and exercising, you'll be able to eat all the pie you'd ever want, and it would never show, nor will it harm you or slow you down.

    Keep on truckin'.

  6. Congratulations, I have never won a pie before.  I however would have chosen peach.

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