
I would like to travel

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Hi, I have only ever been abroad once in my life and with the cultural differnce and beauty thats in the world i would really like to travel for about 3 years. I currently live in England and im open minded to going anywhere as long as i get to see the galapagos islands and northern lights before i return. I dont have a great deal of money so i was thinking of mainly back packing with my pop up tent, and hopefully doing odd jobs for the locals of each place to pay for my food and fare to the next destination and also walking a lot. what i would like is some advice...neccesities to take, minimum amount of money i should save before, things to remember, etc.

any help on this would be much appreciated!!!




  1. since your planning on backpacking pick up a good pair of shoes and a good bag a a whole load of street smarts, you should keep enough money to pay for emergency injuries or damages caused to you you also should have enough back up to fly home in case there's an emergency

    remember to be respectful of local culture and try and pick up on their lingo so they'll treat you like on of their own

  2. I hear ya! I did a simlar thing when I was 22. My sister and I went to Australia (with barely any money) and we ended up doing this:

    I don't know what it is like now but in my day you basically joined the wwoof organisation for like $40 aussie dollars and they gave you a directory of farms all over australia.  You call the people up, make your way to them and you do some light work around the farm (i found a lot of people just enjoyed hosting foreigners) and in return you get free room and board.  its possible to travel the whole east coast as most hosts will give you a ride to the nearest town where your next host will pick you up.  

    We lived really well and meet some wonderful people and saw things that most backpackers don't get to see.  I would reccommend it!

    I think they have a similar system in the USA.

  3. Ya, You may come to india. There is a so many historical places and nice cool weather. There is so many place to visit. India is the birth place of lord krishna. India is so cool.

  4. to IRAN? to empire of beauties? to Pioneer of peace?

    Revealing Persia (Iran) Tour and Travel Agency help you to have a good trip (

  5. Hey can I join ya?  I want to do the samething. I have traveled abroad several times before.  But im looking to do something long term like at least a year or so... did 4 months in Europe, but that wasn't enough time.  I would love to do it for three years as well and I wanted to work odd and end jobs... mostly hosting, working at a hostel, or bar/restaurant/hotel/resort, something easy to do under the table as well... I think you should save up around 10k just to help you start off, and while you are traveling to work before you spend all your money so you're not desprate for it before hand.

  6. Don't go to India, It smells like curry there.
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