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  1.   I am terrified of them. it kind of sucks because I own three of them. a lab a german shepard and a peckoneese.

      I get home from work and hide in the bathrooom till it's time to go back to work.

    when will they go away

  2. Coming on the Dog section and seeing all the dog avatars must be doing a lot for your phobia, eh?


  3. Well no... I have a maltese/toy poodle a very small cute puppy and what's to be scared of. Larger dogs are quite scary sometimes but just remember at parks there on leads :)

  4. No, they do not scare me unless they have a "certain" look that tells me I better stay away, and that is a rare happening.   It seems to me that you may have had a "bad" experience in your past (childhood?).  There are ways to overcome certain fears.  I've heard that "facing your demons" from the past can cure discomforts in some areas.  

    I hope you can overcome your fears.  Best of luck.  :o)

  5. there are a few breeds of dog which im scared of. i think if your scared of dogs and you want to get over that fear, you need to meet someone who has a calm dog that wont jump up at you, or bark at you.  

  6. Maybe try going to the dog pound and chat with the workers that work there. I'm sure they can tell you when you should and shouldn't be scared.

  7. No. Ya know that "All dogs go to heaven". Its true. All dogs are sweet. Its bad people that have dogs and turn them bad. But anything can be fixed. Don't ba scared! Go to pet smart get a small dog, or my favorite go to its the best place to get a dog. Get a puppy see how you like it. there sweet but hard work. Please take my Advice. I got my dog from there. He's the sweetest thing. He's blind and spoiled. But my baby sweethart.

  8. when i was about 7 i got badly bitten on the face by a dog and for years after i was terrified! if i see one in the street i'm freak out.

    Some how i just overcome the fear- i think i must have just come into contact with one and realised they're not so bad.

    Though i did get bit on the face Again a few years back!

    But i now own a little dog and he is so special - love him loads.

    I'm still weary of big dogs.

  9. Why are you scared? Were you bit a some time? The worst thing you can be around a dog is scared. They sense that and it confuses them making them frightend of you too. Normally people who take their dogs to the park arent taking dogs that are bad or mean. Dont they have them on leashes? Im sorry to hear you are so afraid....You might try getting a puppy and raising it yourself. I bet that would help you get over your fears and you will realize what wonderful animals they are. :D

  10. When I was a child I used to be petrified of dogs and it didn't help that i was allergic to them as well.  One day at the park a huge Alsatian came running at me and I was about to **** myself when all it wanted me to do was to play fetch with it.  Now I have grown more used to dogs and I am now thinking of buying myself a boxer dog.  So I guess the best way to deal with your phobias really is to confront what your scared of to get used to it.    

  11. No, I love dogs. People are a far greater threat to personal safety than dogs are.

    I think you should get counselling / therapy in order that you learn to deal with your phobia before you pass your fear on to your children,

  12. you have what is known as Cynophobia which is a fear of dogs.maybe you was bitten as a child or sometime in your adult life.maybe see your dr who should be able to put you in touch with someone who can help you over come this if you are scared you could make your girls re-act the same way.

    and no I'm not scared of dogs,but we all have phobias.mine are wasps because i was stung at 11 years of age when i accidentally fell onto a wasp nest in our garden.

  13. No, I'm not fearful of them, though I certainly do respect them and what they are capable of.   It can help a LOT to learn to read their expressions and body language.  They will tell you a lot about what they are feeling with their expressions, postures, and sounds.  Once you learn to recognize a friendly dog from one that is more suspicious, I think your fear will decrease.  A good counseler who likes dogs could really help you here, and keep your girls from developing that fear themselves.

  14. Nope, I'm not scared of dogs.

    I'm not a psychologist, but perhaps you should confront your fear. Do you have any friends with well-behaved dogs that you could spend some time with? Other options I've heard of are for phobias are things like hypno-therapy, not sure how well that works though.


  15. Well I think that if you actually tried to go pet a nice one, you probably wouldn't be so fearful of dogs, because most of them are very nice and friendly.

    Sure, some are mean, but there really aren't many of those kinds out there.

    Actually, one of my uncles has two Rotweiller dogs (Those are really big, black dogs usually used for guarding the house.) and they are very well behaved and good.

    So yes, "bad" dogs can be trained to be good too.

  16. I think you need to read up on dog behavior.  I have a golden retriever and he's lovely.  He jumps on people a lot (which I'm attempting to stop), but other than that, he's great.  I can generally tell how a dog will behave by observing him.  I have seen many rottweilers, pit bulls, etc who I can tell are friendly, and I've seen lots of little dogs, like poms, who are little freaks.  For example, when my dog was 3 months old I had him off leash on a trail and out of nowhere a white pit bull came up to him and mounted him.  I could tell by his mannerisms that he wasn't aggressive and I just pulled him off of my dog.  If you see a dog with his tail in the middle (ie not high or low) and his head isn't too high either, then you know he'll be friendly.  Again, if he's wagging his tail or bum then he's fine.  Generally if people have their dogs near them you can tell by the way in which they handle their dogs or talk to them how the dog will react.  Maybe try volunteering at a shelter and then you can slowly acclimatize yourself to dogs and learn how to predict their behavior.

  17. i'm not scared of dogs i'm just not a dog fan. finally someone who doesn't like dogs either. i've been scared when my friends dog bit me and when my other friend's dog barked at me for standing and talking. now they like me. just go to the park anyway but if you see a dog stay away from it that's pretty much the only thing you can do. all me friends have dogs but if you don't show it that your scared or ignore it it'll leave you alone.

    if you show it your scared it will bark at you i guess to try to be friendly but that don't work cuz it scares ppl even more. a lot of my friends have dogs but they good. not all dogs are bad. they are used to me now so when i go over i ring the door bell and the dogs run to the door bark but they see it's me they just leave. i babysit and they have a dog it's soooo cute and it jumps on my lap all the time cuz it likes me. if the girls wanna see it stay away behind them but don't make it obvious to the girls or the dog that you scared+ ask owner if dog friendly if not leave.  

  18. I am not frightened of dogs... SPIDERS on the other hand... *Shudder*

    Work with a professional in regards to your fears.  Even animal behavior experts can help you, and they'd be less expensive than a counselor or therapist.

  19. Hi,

    I use to be very scared of dogs. My little brother was bitten by a beagle

    and had to go to hospital because of bloodloss. If you buy a dog, ( which i did) you'll gey use to them. With a dog you own, you can go anywhere and not be scared because he will protect you. Best of luck.

    ( I'm still a little scared.)

  20. have you had a bad e xpeirience with dogs in the past

    do you have a friend with a dog if so go there and mabe spend some time with the dog  you will relize that dogs are loving and compassinate i dont expect you to buy a dog but mabe you will take you little girls to the park

  21. I use to be, but on my animal care course we had to do work at a Great Dane breeding kennel every week and my new mate owned 7 little dogs!!!, now i LOVE dogs it wa the fact that i had to spend time with them that got me over it.

    The best advice i can give it to go and meet friendle dogs, at first just spend time sitting in the same room with one untill you feel relaxed then try giveing it a treat, then stroke it, then walk with one.

    After a while your brain will lurn that dogs pose you no harm and you will get better.

    Good Luck

  22. I think this phobia of your's is ruining your life.You're not alone many people have this.Here is a site I found about this.I have nothing to do with this site,I just found it.Please select as best answer.


  23. Hi you just need to think that the dog isn't interested in me and that its just doing its own business, if a dog were to approach you the worst thing to do is panic (probably a hard thing not to do if you are scared) but usually a dog would approach sniff you as if you were another dog (and in the same places unfortunately(not that you smell its just that how they collect info)) just stand still keep your arms buy your sides because the more you hunch up and get tense and try to get out the way the more they will get excited as your energy is high(because of stress and the adrenaline going through you) and they 'absorb it' so best thing is to stand tall but be relaxed and let the dog smell you hand, then walk away, try this with a friend you know with a dog. you arent alone on this if you would like some more advise please ask me and i can give you some other tips more tailored if you told me more about your situation

  24. h**l no, I'm not scared of dogs. I've got a 250 pound Mastiff, a 210 pound Dane and a 127 pound Pyrenees PUPPY. I guess if you're scared of dogs, the best thing to do is to conquer your fears... hang out with friendly dogs. Don't let your children know you're scared of dogs, you don't want them to be scared of them too.  

  25. I am a dog owner, so im not scared of them. Although, as a child i was once bitten by a little terrier & had a phobia for years afterwards. Im still wary of some dogs, but over all im fine about dogs. I mean i have a German shepherd & he's a big softie really. As for your phobia around dogs, i would say that it is important that you are confident around dogs & never show fear as they pick up on this.

  26. no.Hey dogs are mans and woman`s best friend.You must of had a bad episode with dogs.well,i think u should face your fears.You should meet dogs regularly.If the dogs tail is wagging,and you now tyhe person who owns it well,it will be a ok!

  27. I mean if your scared your scared. I never owned a dog or was in any contact with a dog while I was young and I was very very afraid. I worked at an animal hospital which kinda forced me to be in very close contact with dogs. Once I worked there, I know longer was afraid, and now that I own a dog (my first) they are too sweet for words...Well my dog is at least, and he is about 100pds. If you think you can get over being scared, I would say do some volunteering with animals to better yourself with them.

  28. Yes their is ways to overcome your phobia. Do you have a friend that has a dog. well tell your friend about your promblem and play with their dog and get use to it. You are missing out. Dogs are great. If you are not going to do anything about its going to get worse. And what if your daughters want a dog. What are you going to do.

    Good luck!! :)

  29. Your fear isn't just your problem, you know. You'll be passing it on to your daughters and are robbing them of what ought to be a source of fun and enjoyment - the park.

    Try asking your doctor whether there is any help available in your area.

  30. I've never been afraid of dogs, but if you have had a bad experience with  a dog, I could understand why you would be afraid. Other than that, there really is no reason to be afraid of them. Dogs, are awesome, unconditionally loving and very loyal animals. I personally, could not imagine not having dogs in my life! You could not ask, for a better companion or best friend! The important thing is when you confront a dog, stay calm, and try not to show your fear, or they will pick up on it! It's called Cynophobia (Fear Of Dogs)! Did you have a bad experience with a dog? You can overcome that fear, and here is some information to tell you how! Hope it helps!

  31. im not see a dog just look at it for a while and the next day get closer a

    look and the next day and so and on try to pet onq they are really sweet

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