
IM very fair skinned?

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I am very white, not soo bad in the summer but everything tans expect my legs, and im embaressed to wear skirts or even 3/4 pants cause they look ghostly.

Anything i can do that will make me feel more confident, and i have already tried BILLIONs of fake tans and they call come out orange and even solurioums dont do a thing




  1. Try buying leg makeup ... you can choose a variety of natural non-orangey shades!  Or for a budget version mix some cheap foundation with body lotion each day.  

  2. well i am also very fair skinned, and to be honest the only thing that has given me confidence is going to a tanning salon. although it can be risky with fair skin, a good salon tech can keep you from burning and provide a more safe tan. it definitely will tan your legs better than sunlight, and looks better than a fake tan.

  3. well theres the obvious tan creams because not all of them turn you orange (all thought a lot do) or you could go out into the sun and specially tan your legs, it should work

  4. Learn to embrace your natural beauty.

  5. jergens glowing touch cream.

    it definately wont make you


  6. Try a professional spray tan, get in the tanning bed, or try the Neutrogena Tanning Lotion.. it gives you a mellow skin tone.

    OR you could just embrace your fair skin girl - I have it too. It is hard to tan but embrace your characteristics and you'll feel more comfortable.

  7. Tanning is dangerous, so always be careful, but try Ocean potion tanning spray, it doesn't make me orange at all, and I know fair skin, I'm irish. And next time when you tan, cover up the rest of your body with a towel to even you out. It worked for me :]

  8. be proud of ya pale self baby. i luv pale pale white women. wen i smack dey a-s-s my hand leaves a big red imprint. dat way da next dude she messin with will know how hard ill slap HIM if he even tries hittin dat

  9. I have some friends that tried fake tans to, because we are on the swim team, and they had bad tan line from wearing different bathing suits, and none of them work/are worth it. I have found that if you want to wear skirts or whatever and don't want to draw attention to your pale legs, wear something brighter, bolder, or more attention getting on top. Mabye try a bright new eye liner, or where a bold yellow beaded necklace, and everyone will be so drawn to the new thing that they wont notice your legs. That and no one ever sees your flaws like you do. They are not going to notice unless you point it out. I hope this helps!!!

  10. Maybe try Jergens Natural Glow. It comes in 2 shades and is a very gradual tanner. With everyday use, you slowly start to see your skin have more of a sunkissed slow that looks more natural. Hope that helps!

  11. honestly, if its causing that much trouble, just learn to love your legs! SO what if they're white. Don't let that hold you back!  
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