
IO digital cable box?

by  |  earlier

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i was going through my channels

and 3 of my channels are missing

and it says that i have to get iO digital cable box to view them

all of my other channels are fine

why just those 3?

is there any other way to view those channels

and not buy anything

than having to buy the digital cable box?




  1. io has stolen there way 2 glory yet again. Cablevision wants u 2 buy there io packgage. But u should have gotten a letter where u can get a box and the io package for free.I did and threw it away.I'am convincing my parents to get Dish Network.

  2. If you have a hdtv, and have io, the digital cable box is free you don't have to pay for it. Just take the old box back to the office and ask for a digital cablebox.

  3. ughhh! i knoo i was flippin thru channels tooo and wanted to watch something on true tv or watever and now i dont have ittt its soo gayy
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