

by Guest32014  |  earlier

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every time that i hook my ipod up to my computer, the ipod shows up on my desktop, but not in my itunes, and i can sync any music on it anymore. how can i fix this?




  1. I had a problem kind of like this before.... even though the ipod icon comes up on the desktop it doesn't register in iTUNES. Here are some solutions that you should try.

    1. check your cord conection. Try to push in the USB cord in another source.

    2. Purchase or borrow another USB cord

    3. uninstall itunes and reinstall it ( you won't lose any of your music files.

    Hope this helps

  2. On my computer mine said the device needed to be formatted, but it wouldn't let you format it. Even if it doesn't say this on yours, I think I know what to do.

    The reason it's not working is because when you unplug it from your computer you have to click "Safely remove hardware" it's an icon beside the clock when you have something plugged in like an ipod or webcam. And you forgot to click that button, so when you unplugged your ipod from the usb port it like sent fire to it. (you couldn't see it cause it's a very small amount.

    I did this and it fixed mine:

    Leave it on for like two days until the battery goes completely dead then charge it and it should work.

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