
IS MY sibe husky too small??

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hey, i have got a 3 month old sibe husky who is about 4 1/2 pounds is about a foot and a half...she's up to the middle of my shin and im 5'5... theres a rottwiler that lives next door and he's 4 months and he's huge.. is that normal???

16 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

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15 hours ago

well she is a girl.. and yes you can see her ribs, and the spine near her tail..she used to be skinnier so i took her to the vet, she never was a big eater but recently she eats more..what should i do.. u heard full fat milk helps????




  1. I think your height and weight information is off.  20-22 inches is average for a full grown  Siberian b*tch  so I dobut she is 18 inches at 3 months.   While I am not a breed expert 4.5 lbs sound very light for a 3 month old puppy.  Has the vet confirmed this weight? What does the vet say about her weight?    She needs to be checked out by a vet don't just keep trying to feed her more fatening things as her weight problem may be indicative of an underlying problem.

  2. she must not be ourebred. 4.5 lbs at 4 months is more like a mini poodle

  3. that the same problem we are having with our 11 month old female shes the name breed as yours we just put her on speical food just for the breed,,,its called EUKANUBA and it has a picture of a husky on it its for that breed    ,shes only eats when shes hungry so we try to always make sure theres food in her dish,,they reason the are skinny is shes always playing and having fun and every things she eats she works offf,,,dont worr your pups going to be fine every dog grows differntly  just keep an eye on her,,,keep her wormed,,,and make sure she always has food down so she can eat when she is hungry and give her lots of love and she should grown up just fine

    hope this helps

    smile tabby

  4. This is Female Husky at full grown.

    Height: 20 to 22 in. (50.5 to 56 cm) at the withers.

    Weight: 35 to 50 lb (15.5 to 23 kg)

    Are you sure she's 4 1/2 pounds at 3 months.  Has she been deworm.  No milk for dogs please!

  5. Milk is only good for mammals of suckling age.Dog's are not designed to digest large quanties of cow's or goats milk which contain is possible to feed milk products that have reduced lactose such as natural yoghurt, aged cheese & low lactose milk

    Even feeding milk to a baby animals is not as easy as it sounds.

    Cow's milk is appropiate for cow's

    Milk from a goat, sheep, elephant, monkey or kangaroo & rhinos is very different from cow's milk. .Zoo's and wildlife rehabilitation centres often have to figure out an arpproitate receipe fr milk formula to raise baby mammal that either cannot be fed by its parents or is orphaned.If you find yourself in this situation having to bottle rear puppies, kittens or ferret kits, please use the correct commercial milk formula.

  6. 18" and 4.5lbs???

    That's not right. I have a Malamute, pure bred. She's 24".

    Huskies should be slightly smaller. The ribs should be able to be felt, but not really seen, through a thin layer of muscle. They're not big dogs, they're slender with big coats.

    Please don't let her eat what she likes, they're arctic dogs, scavengers. They eat whatever they can get, and are very prone to being obese.

    Go to a vet, get her on a GOOD diet... and go through all your concerns with your vet. If your vet won;t talk to you about it, get a new one.  

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