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I suspect my wife is cheating. Yesterday i saw a text from this one guy ao ht midnight when she went to shower that said OKAY. I checked outbox when she was in shower n did not see any text from her to him to warrant an answer of OKAY from him to her. She also checks his facebook quite alot.Today a group of us just came from his house. Whilst there he left the hse at `1 am to to go to the store to get some things n my wife started texting back n forth with someone although i cant see any texts now on her phone now that i check.Did she erase them? Who could she have been textn at 1 am, n just after he left to go the store? Whilst at his place with other friends he was sitting close to the tv n my wife told him he will mess up his eyes being so close, so she told him to move away from tv n sit back n motioned for him to sit next to her on couch n he did.

She is in shower now( we just got back from his hse(its 6 am) and i checked her phone. There is a text from him saying " THANK YOU FOR COMING". Im i being paranoid? I know at 1 am at his place when he left for the store, she was textn someone at least three times. But there is no such indication in her phone. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK PLZ ADVICE




  1. At 1 am I would have asked who she was texting.

    Go with your gut honey.

  2. I do not know a woman who would want some woman texting their man let alone 1am and visa versa.

    Ask her, what is going on. You have a right to know.

    Tell her it is rude texting another man. So, she needs to respect you as her mate.

    That is trifling.

  3. Sorry, but your spying is suspicious. Do you have any problem with your manhood?

  4. She likes him a lot...She is being real clever.

    I don't know if she is cheating yet...If you have been with her you could tell if she is lying,,So, Ask her if she has something with this guy..and watch her facial expression.

    Good luck

  5. I don't know if she is cheating, but no wife or girlfriend for that matter should be texting anyone at 1 in the morning, unless its a girlfriend, and at 1 am, she should be sleeping, not worried about a phone.  Definitely something i sup...I thin you should ask her.  If she is texting  she is not dumb enough to keep them on there, she is going to delete them.

  6. something is not kosher. if the text box both in and out is erased, then there is some reason why and usually that is to hide an affair.  text her one day and  see if she erases it or leaves it. maybe she erases all of her text messages. i also understand you do not want to feel like a fool if nothing is going on. also  text him from her phone and see if he texts back say hey whats up . they seem to communicate to much.

  7. wait... is this your friend?

    Have you asked her about it?

    Have you talked to hm about it?

    Do you hae any reason to believe she would cheat on you?

    Does she have enough time away from you to cheat on you?

    Do you tend to be obsessive or posissive?

    If not then do the following: ASK HER ABOUT IT!

    Then ask him, and if you think someting's off give her a trick question!

  8. It's possible she did delete some texts, but during the course of this all-night party she was never alone with him, right? Seems like if she was cheating they would have found a way  to disappear together or something.  How about ASK her? She's your wife, why are you afraid to just ask?

  9. Have you obtained the phone bill to see the text in and out numbers?

    Have you asked her point blankly "who are you textin this late?"

    Weird to delete texts a lot like that.....suspecious yes. but you need more evidence.

    Next time it is 1am and he goes to the store and she starts texting, tell her you need her phone and to go into another room or outside and check it. If you have a phone, just say you don't have service or it isn't working right. If she starts deleting texts, that is majorly an issue.

    If she refuses to give you the phone, I would honestly take it from her.  What she going to do? Mostly just scream and get mad. But if you got the evidence you have the upper hand at kicking her out.

    What is her daily schedule like?

  10. Instinct. What you feel sometimes is the instinct, my opinion.  Maybe she has a  text mate that she i very interested that she never get tired of texting. Well, I hope you can solve your problem and whatever I pray that God will lead you and Good luck!

  11. I would NEVER in a million years do those things to my husband. She is being disrespectful to you! If she is not cheating now, from what you said, leads me to think she may cheat on you in the future.

    No, your not being paranoid. That's your wife and you have every right to have concerns. I would come out and ask her who she is texting.

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