
Ice Skating help.........?

by  |  earlier

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There is a competition and for my technical level 4 (Gamma) program, I am only allowed 1 Freestyle 1 move. But for example, I choose to do the waltz jump. Can I also do a Chinese Arabesque?? If no, can u guys help me think of a move that is nice that I can do (jumps or spins or extensions)...thanks!!




  1. I'd suggest working with your coach, they will be the most familiar with your moves, what you are best at, and what the rules of the competition are. Good luck and have fun!

  2. If you are skating a Gamma program, you can only do one FS1 move -- your choice being a waltz jump.  A Chinese arabesque or catch foot spiral is an uncaptured move however, you cannot use this in a Gamma program according to ISI rules.  You will receive a penalty in your points.

    There are no spins, jumps or extensions allowed in Gamma except for your one FS1 move (except a two foot jump from Pre-Alpha).

    Your coach should be aware of the rules.  I would not suggest trying to put together a program without a coach at your level.  You need some guidance only a coach on the ice with you can provide.

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