
Ice skating competition tomorrow!!! ?

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im so nervous every time i think of it my stomach gets grouchy im doing basic 8 skating and im not sure the judges will like me im so scared i don't know what to do. but its to late to take my name out of the competition help!!!




  1. Aww!  Don't take your name out!!!  :)  Go for it!  The judges will like  you if you appear to be having fun.  Skate your program with confidence, smile and perform for the crowd.  If you make a mistake, don't make it even more obvious by frowning or blowing the rest of the program.  Sometimes a program can be more successful even after a mistake.  Smile, keep going and forget about the mistake.  I've found the judges seem to enjoy skaters who not only are confident in their skating (or at least appear that way!) and treat it almost like a show or exhibition.  Get into the music, feel the mood of your music and if you can, make eye contact with the judges.  

    We all get nervous before competitions -- even those of us who have done TONS of them.  :)  Don't dwell on the negative.  Keep replaying your program in your head and only visualize skating a clean program.  Sit down, listen to your music and think through the it's a compulsory with no music, maybe sit in a quiet room to visualize it.  Take deep breaths and remember to breathe during your program!!   Through your nose and out your mouth.  Be organized during your warm up.  Start with the element you're most concerned about, saving your best element for last.  That way if you don't make it to the element you feel most comfortable with during warm up, you won't panic about it.  Most of all, go out there and have fun.  Nobody wants to watch a skater who looks like they dread even being out there!  Smile and show everyone why you skate -- because you love it!!  :)  Good luck!

  2. Okay, first off, breathe in and breathe out. Good.

    Remember the point of skating is to do your best and have fun. Try to enjoy what you are doing, instead of focusing on the negatives. I know excactly how you feel with the stomach. For me it's like a tightening, pit feeling that won't go away. No matter what it won't fully go away until after you compete, but here are some tips to try and help your nervousness.

    1) Smile and have fun. I usually compete when my friends are (Since we are at the same rink) and that helps me a little. Before you go on to compete hang out with some of your skating friends. Crack some jokes, walk around, and just live for the moment. Try not to think about your stomach or your program until about ten minutes to half and hour before your program. (Or when you need to get ready).

    2)Remember that you are skating for yourself, and not the judges. It doesn't matter what they think. You are competiting against yourself in a way. If you think you did bad in your program then remember what you can improve on so the next time you can aim to make your program better for yourself.

    3) Jump up and down like crazy so it will keep you warm, and jiggle your stomach a bit so you won't notice the quenching feeling as much. Also, chew some gum or chewy candy before you go on. It will help the nerves. But remember to spit it out before going on. You don't want it to fall out by mistake!

    4) When you are on ice for warm up focus on bending your legs, and trying to relax.

    5) When it's your turn to compete take deep breathes from the pit of your stomach. I usually think strong optimistic thoughts like "Figure skating is your favorite sport. You love what you do. So show them how much you love ice skating".

    6) Skate your program with your heart. Smile. Try to have some fun! Afterwards all you can do is wait. No matter what score remember you know how you did. You are the only one that determines how well you do.

    Sometimes these tips don't help you, but will give you the courage and determination to do your best, like always, and give you confidence to skate a fantastic program. Just breathe, relax, and smile. Don't back down.

    I hope this helps, and GOOD LUCK!

  3. dont worry that happens to evreyone and i bet the judges will love you! <3

    well anyways GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN

  4. I remember wishing I could take my name out of the competition the first time I competed singles too. I am so glad I did not! I won't tell you how I placed, but I will tell you that I had a blast! I have been competitive ever since.

    Remember competition should be fun. Go out their and have a blast. After all, how often do you get the ice all to yourself?!

  5. okay think of it this way, i had my first competition (in synchronised, but i skate solo now) when I was eight and it was the state championships. imagine what an eight year old felt at STATES in novice competing for the first time ever. further more, go onto winning state and going to nationals. nationals! i was eight and very, very scared. of course i was even more excited when i came third, but its worth the nerves to get the glory.

    at my last test i was so nervous that i threw up. after my warm up and i nailed every element, i came off and told my coach that i knew i could do it. she gave me a hug, i skated second, skated way below what i average at training and passed without a single repeat, not even on my axel. if it helps, dont wacth the other people skate, especially if theyre before you. the judges dont get a choice, being biased isnt allowed, they have to judge you on how you skate, nothing else. do your best, SMILE NICE AND BIG FOR THEM, and if you make a mistake ignore, pretend it never happened, keep smiling and being confident and keep on going.

    good luck, YOU CAN DO IT!

  6. go for a walk and take deep breaths, and while your going for a walk listen to some music that really gets you pumped up for your competition, just believe every thing will turn out fine and think positive and everything will!

  7. Hey! I had a competition on saturday ( in Huntsville, Alabama ) and I was soooo nervous before my long program! I had been falling on my double lutz ALOT and I really didn't want to hurt myself anymore, or get a bunch of  -3's for falling (I'm in Juvenile, so its IJS ). And then my coach told me right before I went on the ice that I didn't have to do a double lutz, and that I could just do a single lutz as long as I did all of my other doubles. It made me feel a ton better, and I got 2nd place. The judges cant "Not" like you. They love every skater for who they are, and I can promise you that they will like you, because they will like you for going out and trying. If there is an element you are worried about, ask your coach if you can change it. But please don't withdraw because I know you will do great, and I am praying for you!!!!

    ~ Kristen Michelle (Smiley Sk8er)

  8. relax! the worst that could happen is that you skate badly, and that's not the end of the world. just imagine yourself doing well, take deep breaths, and get a good night's sleep. your coach will be there for you at the competition tomorrow. good luck!

  9. Just do your best and then be proud of yourself no matter how you place. It takes a lot of courage to get out in front of a group of people and skate... so be proud of that accomplishment and don't worry about the results. I am sure you will do a great job! Good luck!

  10. Everyone gets nervous sometimes! I get nervous all the time right before i get on the ice. Don't worry, the judges have no reason to not like you. The judges are there to judge your skating, not you. Just skate your best and be confident

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