
Icelandic Dog Names? Help!?

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I'm getting an icelandic sheepdog and the breeder (my aunt) says the name we choose must be icelandic. I was looking at some online and a lot of them seem too strange. The ones that have good meaning to them that I've seen aren't to my liking either. We're still undecided to whether or not we're getting a boy or a girl so options from both would be lovely. If it helps - it is going to be tan and white :) Thanks!!!




  1. ISIS

  2. Check out the sites listed below. has lists of 100 dog names, girl/boy dog names, top pet names and more.  They have a cute video of Samson the bowling pug under funny dogs and the pug miracle story is pretty neat. lists names alphabetically by name, meaning, type and gender.  They also have a section to browse by origin (how about eskimo).  Happy hunting!

  3. Atla: water goddess

    Beyla: servant of Freyr

    More at

  4. This is fun!

    Girl Names

    Asa (derivative of ancient Norse gods)



    Nanna (goddess of the moon)

    Ros (pronounced Rose, sort of)

    Boy Names



    Einar (a great warrior)


  5. if its a boy name it Viking,or gunnar = warrior,  just get a boy cuz i cant find any others eather!  lol

  6. I don't speak Icelandic, but I do speak Swedish.  They are very close.  How about "Hunden" (or the Icelandic equivalent thereof) which means "the dog."  In Swedish it's pronounced HOON-den with a sound almost like the short 'oo' in "look'" or "book."  I think that's one of the words that would be very close.

    I has some Swedish friends who named their dog Dogg because it was funny.

  7. Boy:  Dagur, Geir, Finnur

    Girl:  Frida, Eydis, Brynja

    They are unusual...but cute at the same time.  Good luck!

  8. Your right Icelandic names are very strange!  

    I have found this sight with snow names maybe this will help!  some of them are strange too but some are pretty cleaver!

  9. girls-Ara, Foa, Kola, Kona, Kyssa

    boys- andi, loki

    this site is rly good

  10. Boy names:

    Adalstienn (noble stone)

    Afdrif (fate)

    Finnur (One from Finland)

    Fridrik (peaceful ruler)

    Haraldur (leader of the army)

    Ísólfur (ice-wolf)

    Kafteinn (captain)

    Kóngur (king)

    Kraftur (power)

    Kveldroði (sunset glow)

    Kveldúlfur (evening-wolf)

    Petur (Icelandic form of Peter - means stone)

    Prímus (the first)

    Prins (prince)

    Riddari (knight)

    Úlfur (wolf)

    Vinur (friend)

    Girl names:

    Atorka (energy, initiative)

    Bliki (glimmer, radiance)

    Blikki (pale glow)

    Bryndís (armoured goddess)

    Brynja (shielding, armour)

    Dyfra (drizzle, mist)

    Elska (love, darling)

    Frauka (little woman)

    Fridrika (peaceful ruler)

    Gina (opening cloud cover)

    Glinga (fun)

    Kristjana (Icelandic form of Christina - follower of Christ)

    Leira (clay)

    Lilja (Icelandic form of Lily which means flower)

    Meyla (little girl)

    Snaedis (snow goddess)

  11. I wish I had a a icelandic sheepdog.

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