
IchibanVA Volleyball?

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Is it true that if you make the team, you have to pay $900+

My friend says that she is not trying out anymore because once you pay the $15 tryout fee and you make the team, they want $400 (travel expenses) + uniform then another $500 (travel expenses again)? Even if you dont play with Ichiban, does any volleyball travel team actually have to pay more money, not including uniform, once you make the team?




  1. Below is a link for my daughter's Richmond, VA team.  You will see that for the upper level team the fee's can be upwards of $4500, this is for 6 months.

    But I look at it this way.  While she is new to volleyball, she is 5'11" and very athletic.  We see this as the best way for her to go to college for free.  There are 312 Division 1 schools that offer full scholarships to 12 players.  Compare this with 23 men's schools that only can offer 4 scholarships.  (Thanks Title IX).

    If I have to spend $4k-$6k (including my expenses in going to the games) per year than this is well worth it compared to 4 years tuition at a good school which will easily run $100k.

    Don't get me wrong this is not the only reason to do it, there are great benefits, but if you are kind of tall or a good back row and a little athletic you can possibly get your school paid for.

    I should also say that my daughter is an excellent student.  This helps too.

  2. Volleyball clubs are expensive.  (I am not saying that they are not worth it.)  Travel teams are even more expensive.  You are paying to have your coach travel with you.  

    I work for Asics Willowbrook in Houston.  Our travel teams are $2625.  That does not include the travel expenses for the players or their parents.  That is only the costs for the uniforms, the tournament fees and the costs of the coach.  That is for 3 practices per week plus 10 to 12 tournaments including 3 out of state tournaments.

    Edited later-  julelisa'10 is right.  Most of the expenses for the clubs is up front.  They have to buy uniforms and enter tournaments before they fill up.  I am the tournament director for Asics Willowbrook.  I already have teams that have entered our tournament in May.

  3. I am going to try out for club which is $1,500 (area league). we have to pay $600 the first time, so yes, it's true you have to pay more than $900. They need the money (1st half of the money) to pay for the things before you can actually start the season. Once you get it paid, you will get your complete uniform, the traveling fee paid, but the 2nd half will be paid later.

    start saving up the money if you REALLY want to do club. (i advise you do club, it's fun!)

  4. wher i play there is a $10 tyr-out fee, and if you wanna be on the team you have to pay $500, its different everywhere

  5. that's a lot of money. If you're awesome at the sport and have the money, go for it. If your have any second thoughts, just maybe join a little less extreme team. And is ichiban a japanese team?
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