
Ideas for a perfect date?

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend just recently moved to ohio for work however he is coming back in two weeks to visit me at home and i was wondering what should i do for our date? we have all saturday to hang out and i dont know what to do. i want to do something out of the ordninary. not anything too expensive. just something that he wouldnt expect on a regular date. i just want to make him happy and surprised




  1. Make a picnic and just hang out together! That is what I do!

  2. what does this have to do with volleyball?....just perfect

  3. This sounds corny, but you could lay under the stars and talk. Sometimes after someone's been away, all you wanna do is talk. Walks are nice too.

    The best dates are unplanned, though.

  4. Find a nice park, make some sandwiches and bring some wine & have a picnic!

  5. a volleyball date, then hang out in a hot Jacuzzi with a bottle of wine. :)

  6. this shouldnt be under volleyball

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