
Ideas for new books to read?

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I want to get a book to read but i dont know what

please give me ideas of great INTERESTING books

the title and a quick summary (not giving away the ending) of one of your favorite books would be great

-dont want a book thats too long and complicated




  1. I recommend Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. It's goofball parallel-universe fantasy based on this premise: What if society had progressed to where it is today, and the technology that had stopped in the middle ages was now starting to catch up?

  2. These are my favourite books:

    Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

    a lighthearted funny girly book about a woman who cant help but shop and how she gets into all this debt. a bit like bridget jones really.

    The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

    this is a very sad and moving fictional book about a girl who is raped and murdered, and she watches her family from heaven while they try to come to terms with her death and try to catch her killer

    The Curious Incident of th Dog In the Night Time by Mark Haddon

    This is written as if from the point of view of a child with asperger's syndrome. Its about how he solves the mystery of his neighbours dog dying, and how he copes with his condition. Very funny!

    Starter for Ten by David Nicholls

    This is about a geeky kid in the eighties and his 'university experience' as he tries and fails to win over girls, sort his acne, and get on his fave tv show: university challenge. Hilarious!!

    Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella

    This is about a woman living in london in a mediocre job, she has frizzy hair and snaggly teeth. Then on a night out she bumps her head and wakes up in hospital. But they then tell her that she is married to a rich man, has a high paying job, and she has sleek smooth hair, is very thin and toned, and has perfect white teeth. She has amnesia of the last three years!!! It's a very funny book and at times very romantic. Could not put it down!!

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