
If I go to bed late?

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I go to bed around 1-2 am every night in the summer time.

If i sleep in really late

is this bad for me?

I mean just going to bed late and waking up late all the time.

I get at least 8 hours of sleep.




  1. I don't see whats bad about it. You're getting a full nights sleep. I go to bed at like 3 and don't wake up until 12:30. That's more than I need.  

  2. well if you in school you might wanna stop that habit but if your not laying bed all day letting the day waste i dont see whats wrong! but you might not wanna do this every day cuz its gona be a killer getting


  3. i don't see the problem with it i go to bed at like 4 in the morning and get up at 2 in the afternoon. things are just funner at night and i am txting people right until i go to bed. during the school year i go to bed at 1 and have to wake up at 6:30, i am just a night person.

  4. Lets see... You're an adolescent, you go to bed at 1-2AM, and you sleep for eight hours. It won't hurt you now, but after Summer's over and you go back to school, it'll be hard to get out of the habit and you'll probably spend a couple of weeks miserably, trying to get your sleeping back on track because you have to wake up early in the morning.

    So I guess it'd be best to put your sleeping back on track BEFORE the summer's over.

  5. thats all i did when i was a teen...enjoy it before you become a working adult and have no summer time off.  

  6. It will make it harder to start gettting up early for school again! About a week before you should start going to bed earlier (you won't be able to sleep for a while but you just have to make yourself, it'll get easier!) And then wake up earlier each day until school.

    It's bad for you to change the time you go to sleep and get up often (your body likes routine) but if it's over the summer break I'm sure it wouldn't do you much harm!

    Happy sleeping!

  7. i dont see the problem here i love long sleeps  

  8. no your fine. it must be nice to sleep in everyday. you must not work yet.

  9. Ok I don't think it's bad, but I don't think it's good. You'll have trouble when school starts and you'll get more recharged if you sleep before midnight. Meaning if you sleep after midnight you'll be more tired. Besides I feel so much better and less groggy when I go to bed at a normal time and wake up early.

  10. No theres nothing wrong with it! Your getting your 8+ hours of sleep a night! And i mean anyway its summer live alittle your not worrying about waking up at like 6 every morning!!

  11. Oh thats nothing.I go to bet at 4AM. Oh maybe thats coz I have my holidays goin on. If you have ur scholl daily, well that is quite too late...but um if you study till 1-2 am then this is appreciable.  

  12. my parents think its terrible how i sleep late all the time - something to do with  my eating habits i guess xD... but as long as i get enough sleep - id say im fine :p!

  13. not necessarily bad for u bcoz if u r gettin ur usual amount of sleep hours  

  14. hmm i used to be like that, but staying up till like 3-4 but i couldnt fall asleep im on pills now.  But thats okey every oncein a while, you shoud try to getearlier before school. Plus you get more of the day:)

  15. no i do it everyday~!

  16. I wouldn't say it's bad for you, but start trying to straighten out your sleeping pattern about a week before school starts, because otherwise you'll find it difficult to get back into the routine.
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