
If It Were Up To You?

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if it were up to you would you buy a car that got 100 miles to the gallon but when from 0-60 in 15+ seconds




  1. Well yes why not .I would drive a go cart if they would let me and had a lane just for go carts. but i would have to go back to the gas guzzler in the winter months

  2. If it were priced right .. sure!  It would be my in-town car, hardly ever on the freeway.  Our freeway is always clogged and under construction anyway, take the local roads, where the slow acceleration is not important.

  3. Heck ya...if that car got 100 miles to the gallon it could go from 0-60 in 20 minutes. Speed wouldn't be a concern for me if that kind of gas mileage was available to me.

  4. since i am an environmental freak, i don't want such car, because it is a havoc for the environment. But technically speaking it must be a miracle car!

  5. yes i would buy it ,im sure the cost would be out pretty high untill it cought on and was mass produced

  6. I will buy i5t

  7. If it were up to me i would want a car that does even better than 100MPG i would buy a very efficient car that saved me money but the current options are nowhere where they should be over the next five years we will see innovation and breakthough like we have never seen before, i am absolutely excited for the future of the automobile.

  8. I'd have some real safety concerns about a car that couldn't get to 60 in less than 15 seconds, but if gas gets up to 5 or 6 dollars a gallon, I sure might consider it.

  9. No, that would be really unsafe.  You could never use an on ramp.

  10. Not a chance and with new technology, I doubt that decision will need to be made since newer stronger materials are also lighter, which means fast 0to 60 times.

  11. h**l yes....speed aint that long as it can go the speed limit. have you seen gas prices lately???

  12. I think ultimately I would have to test drive the car first.  100 miles to the gallon sounds really good.

  13. h**l yes id buy it.  thats why they give other cars brakes.

  14. my car practically takes that long... and i guess it would if i didnt push it so much. it weighs 2.5 tons, it cant help but be a bit sluggish.

    so yes i guess i would.

    AND I DRIVE ON THE FREEWAY. but i guess its not so bad considering i dont live in an area with heavy, or super speedy traffic flow.... and the on ramps arent so bad either.

  15. Yeah, why not.  It's not like I'm going to race it.  Plus, slamming your brakes and driving above the speed limit releases more damaging gases.  I would buy it.

  16. If the on-ramps were longer, I would be okay with that. As it is, I'd get run over.

  17. if it were up to me, after hooking up windmills and solar cells to the house for power, having adequate storage to last though the windless and sunless days, selling surplus power to the power company for credits when I need their power or receiving checks from them... the car I want would also be electric, charging from the home. solar panels integrated to its body, regenerative braking, can charge it up or extend its range. zero miler per gallon, 250 mile range with 2 persons and 100 lbs "junk in the trunk". acceleration isnt much a thrill anymore, and it wouldnt bother me if efficient cruising speed was 48-50 mph... drive 5 hours, take an hour break at any charging station and drive 5 more hours is 500 miles in a day. night driving would be less efficient for needing headlamps to see the road. a small gas powered generator could also be onboard for places charging is unavailable or to supplement and extend the range. we already have the technology to build like this, the solaracer was an extreme and exotic example on one side, and on the fuel  burning side was a glorified go-kart of a car that got over 3,000 mpg.

  18. I would Deffinately go for the miles per gallon!!!!

    Cause if it goes that fast you would prob run out of gas before you got where you wanted to go...

  19. Well, though I dont drive, if I did, my choice would depend more on what I could afford, how it effected the enviroment and then on the gas milage.

  20. I'd buy it if I could afford it, I pretty much only drive within my city's limits and speed isn't an issue. wow, even when I drove a little motorcycle, it only got like 70 mpg. Just think what a car that got 100 mpg would be like.....

  21. absolutely i would get the 100 miles to the gallon car. the money you would save on gass alone is worth a couple of seconds. we can all benifit on slowing down the rush that sometimes gets the best of people causing road rage. it might get a little adjusting to but real worth it in the pockets and possible in the mind set.
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