
If McCain was a Democrat....?

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How would the Conservative mud slingers like Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reilly handle issues concerning his life, namely his involvement in the Keating 5 scandal, his wife's drug addiction, and his constant "flip-flops" on everything from immigration to the Confederate flag in South Carolina?

I mean, everything is fair game for them when it comes to Obama, but notice how the "liberal" legitimate press has not touched these subjects out of respect for McCain.

Don't you think that it would be different if Michelle Obama was stealing drugs from her charitable foundation? Wouldn't they make it a big deal then?




  1. McCain will be the Better President for the next 4 years as Commander and Chief.

  2. That's right! I think the reason people are freaking out is because he is black and that can not handle it! and like everyone who is minority before him has had to break into a new field; he going to have to prove that he is right black man for the job!  My question how is McCain going change what needs to be done and yet say the last 71/2 years under Bush were just wonderful when everyone is suffering from gas prices to health care and the lost of jobs! I think the RNC is going to be a bunch of smoke and mirrors with no way to explain the past and seeing into the future!

  3. i agree with jd and he is in some issues

  4. If he were a Democrat Limbaugh and the rest of that ilk would never have let up on him once he sealed the nomination.

  5. He couldn't be a democrat....he's a GOP hypocrite. And that's right where he needs to keep his tired the crotch of the GOP!

  6. Just so you know they were some of his harshest critics! The only thing that will help him with them is his pick of Sarah Palin. They have been luke warm for him since he won.

  7. your question has no answer as your  premise is false.  no sane conservative would ever embrace the principles of socialism so there is no way to answer your question/rant

  8. When you mentioned that the liberal "legitamate" press was doing something out of respect to McCain, I laughed so hard my nose bled.  

  9. Oh, cry us a river that not everyone in the media agrees with you that Obama is the Messiah.

    The best thing about McCain is that he's NOT Obama. (and now he has a very nice choice for VP)

  10. Have fun trolling Yahoo Answers to make people angry at you

    McCain/Palin 08

  11. Mccain is even worse than Senator Edwards we wouldn't want him the Republicans can keep him!

  12. The liberal media has looked into these matters, that's why you know about them. NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, NYTimes, et al, have done the stories. Their conclusion: there's no there "there"! Sorry, you can't drag an honorable, just because you say so.

  13. McCain is a democrat......thats why we didn't want him in the first place but now that he's picked a true feel good conservative our hearts have warmed...

  14. you forgot glenn beck.  

  15. As long as big Oil and Defense corporations feel more at risk having a Democrat in office than a Republican, they will continue to side with the Republicans.  Fact is, these corporations actually own the media companies in one fashion or another (e.g. General Electric is the parent company of NBC).

  16. Same way you democrats attack Bush for drug use but excuse the drug use of Obama and Clinton

  17. I can't understand either , Sean Hannity waves his finger every night in the Fox news camera to say nasty things about Obama and a bunch of lies .Why? I wish he would stick to the issues and he says he is a christian. Christians don't act like that.Yes i believe some things are fair game .When Michelle mention she was proud of her country i immediately knew what she was saying.

  18. Her drug abuse has already been settled. Has Obama severed any of his ties with the radical left wing ? Do you think he will? The only thing that he is offering is the same old tired  out FDR c**p that resulted in ten years of depression and a nanny state that still exists today. He talks about change, thats about all you will have left if he gets elected. What does the flag inSouth Carolina have to do with the national election. This is up to the state of South   Carolina and not the united states.

  19. If Obama was a democrat, do you think we'd be reading stories in the mainstream media about his association with a convicted terrorist?

    The media has not done 1 story on Obama's past. It's if he did not exist before he became a US Senator.

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