
If Republicans hate Muslims so much?

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Why do they want to continue sending 10 billion dollars a month to rebuild their country instead of fixing our own? Iraq is making billions with oil. They can fund themselves.




  1. I must have missed that party memo.  I wasn't aware that republicans hated muslims.

  2. I agree.  Republicans don't despise the lack of freedom that people have under religious rule, they love the oil.  The war has nothing to do with purity of human rights.  It has everything to do with the control of energy and power.

    I get sick hearing about how noble Americans are to protect democracy.  It is lying propoganda.  The only thing our leaders want is power and money.    There is nothing noble about what Republican leadership does for the nation.

  3. But then how are we supposed to get in on that sweet, sweet bubblin' crude?

  4. What does that have to do with Muslims? Aren't the Democrats also involved in the aid bill? Or have you gotten it into your head that the aid is unilateral? When you make statements back them up with fact especially when both houses of Congress are Democratically controlled.

  5. Because Republicans don't hate muslims.

    Why do idiots like you you continue to make false and moronic claims with no validity? Are you that insecure of your own political beliefs that you have to try and demean other people who aren't just like you?

  6. Because they have oil we want to keep a relationship with them. We havent been good at that so far, but perhaps by rebuilding they might not hate us so much

  7. I'm a Repubc (sometimes..depends on who is running and what they stand for) and I don't hate Muslims.  I think a lot of people, not just Republicans, don't like the idea of invading and destroying a country without helping them rebuild it for the ones that were victims and not terrorists.  But, I think if Iraq is making billions with oil, then they should be sending a clean-up crew to the U.S. to rebuild what THEY have destroyed.

  8. thats what they want you to think

    republicans hate everyone

  9. If Rep. hated Muslims?  Wait a minute with your close-minded question.  The Muslims aren't the problem, it's the radical islamic extremist that happen to follow that faith, but in a much different way called "terrorism".  

    There's a hidden agenda of course or an underlying reason why we are doing what we're doing.  The U.S. doesn't do anything for nothing, are you kidding me.  

    Why are we there?

    Answer).  Money, Oil, and Opium

  10. because, George Bush is stupid, he's trying to make America the poorest country in this world

  11. Most Jews and Roman catholics vote for Democrats and most Protastants and Muslims vote for Republicans.  

  12. You're the one claiming that muslim hate.


  13. Tsk, tsk.  You touched a few nerves with your question.  Apparently the elitist Republicans who answered are out of touch with their redneck cousins and their cousin-spouses who use the terms "raghead" and "sand n----r" on a daily basis or more.

  14. Better yet why not make them pay for everything, those war profiteers aren't cheap. Just ask McCain most of his campaign was funded by them.

    They hate Jews and blacks too but we try not to make a big deal about it.

    Republicans are nothing like me I have a soul. :)

  15. We only hate muslims that try to kill Americans, no different than hating the n***s but helping the average German citizen in the aftermath of WWII.

  16. Simple.  Republicans don't hate Muslims.  I guess your take on things is that Republicans should support Democrats?

  17. because their president and vp is raking in billions from oil

  18. Republicans don't hate Muslims. They hate Islamic fanatics who have hijacked a peaceful religion.

  19. I don't think it's fair to group every single person in a single party together like you just did. Nobody said Republican's hate Muslims - for all I know you are a Democrat and hate them.  

  20. republicans don't hate muslims....they are working with them to rid the world of terrorism.

  21. Oil is the answer.

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