
If YOU Could....??

by  |  earlier

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travel back in time...or maybe even the future

what time period would you go to and why???

thx for answeing...:)




  1. Yes

  2. I would travel back through time to witness Albert Einstein at his peak and see the work he did first hand so I could say I witnessed this because I think he was a brilliant man and my words do not do him justice.

  3. Well if I got to take what I know now..I would go back to the start of the Industrial Revolution....I would be the richest man on earth within 5 years

  4. thut's simple.

  5. IF I could take hind site with me i would like to go back to my early 20s

    Because most of the decisions I made in my 20s had a profound impact on my life

  6. huh??
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