
If a minor tries...?

by  |  earlier

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If a minor tries to buy cigarettes what do you think a random clerk at a gas station would do and if he wouldn't sell do they call cops?




  1. smoking is pretty much suicide. smoke pot instead.

  2. i would you big dummy

  3. they would say can i see I.D.

    just say, " oh shoot i forgot it, oh well. thanks anyways.

    and walk out


    i doubt anything happens

  4. you cant sell them cigarettes there under aged! and if they call the cops on you they dumb as h**l! don't risk your license and your freedom by just making one mistake and selling them cigarettes! man don't even worry about it if they don't have id then they don't get no  cigarettes. shoot1

  5. Call the cops?  What's the crime, attempted delinquency?  

    Who calls cops on whom?  Are you suggesting the kid should call the police?  Either he bought cigarettes and wouldn't call the police because he would be turning himself in, or he didn't buy and no crime was committed; it's not a crime to refuse to sell cigarettes to children.  

    The store clerk won't call the police unless the kid starts making a nuisance.  

    Either the kid has ID or he doesn't get to buy smokes.  That's all there is.  No one calls the police for a kid trying (and failing) to buy cigarettes.

  6. No, they won't call the police.  They'll ask for ID and obviously you can't show it so you just say you don't have ID and walk out.

    I don't think it's a big deal to smoke every now and then, but be careful smoking regularly because it's impossible to quit.  I started at 15 pretty much for fun and now at 25 I haven't been able to stop yet, no matter how hard I try.
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