
If a teacher did this..?

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what would be the punishment if a teacher picked you up by the neck in a grapple hold and you had trouble breathing?

is this allowed and what should a student do if this happens to him/her?




  1. No this is not allow. My little brother got picked up by his neck at infant school by the head teacher so we got the police and social services involved. My brother was only 7/8. Go to the head teacher or someone you can talk to, so maybe your form tutor or head of year. x*x

  2. tell principle or parent they will get fired

  3. I would tell the principal or the guidance counselor. Or tell another teacher.... Or tell your parents about it they can call the school if you don't want to. And If a teacher did that they might be laid off school of school for a couple days or something or they might get a warning. My teacher said the N word (to 6th graders) and only got a warning that if he does it again he gets suspended.

  4. This is not allowed at all.  You need to tell your parents, have them notify the principal and make sure you have legitimate  sources to support you.  You may also want to have a medical evaluation, if your credibility come in to question you may need this.

    If you are lying about the teacher and simply tying to get hem in trouble, please know there are serious consequences (including jail time) for you and anyone involved,

  5. This is definitely not allowed.  It should be reported.

  6. she was probably just hugging u

  7. im with LMG

  8. you'd prob go to jail.....umm i hope you didn't do it..

  9. that is called harassment and you should tell an adult right away. if the teacher really did that, they will be fired because the school does not want to get sued.

  10. There are two sides to every story.  Parent should consult with the teacher and find out what transpired.  For every action there is a reaction.  If the student was out of order, the parent should back the teacher regardless.  We were all kids, and know how to push peoples buttons.   The parent can let teacher know, he/she was a little out of order, went too far, and it won't be tolerated.  Then kick your kid in the butt for being the cause of the problem.  

  11. tell the principal and your parent i mean thats illegal here in michigan teachers cant touch u...u can press charges probably..

  12. depends on country :P in my country where I used to live its all good.  In US well teacher can.  They get suspended or fire.

  13. Report it to the principal immediately unless this was unintentional due to an example

  14. first let your parents know. then have them take it to the board. And no thats not allowed

  15. that is so not allowed! you should tell your mum or the school counselor and see what they can do bout it  

  16. You should immediately go to the principal and/or the nurse.

  17. If a teacher did that to you notify a principal immediately.

    If you are a teacher well....your in trouble.

  18. This type of conduct is unlawful in the United States of America.

    You should call the police.

    Police are people who arrest other people who commit crimes.

    A grapple-hold is a battery.

    A battery is an unlawful attack upon another person by beating or wounding, or by touching in an offensive manner.

    Dial 911 on your cell phone, and report this "crime" to one of their associates.

  19. sue kid sue. you should have fell over faked a asthma attack n  started havingseizuress like your dying act like youdidn'tt know where or whoyouu are and ******* sue everyone at the school

  20. If that happened to me, i'd be so pissed and want revenge. So i'd go tell the princible, my mom and dad, and other adults so he or she gets in trouble. Get the word out as much as possible, if you do what i would do, that is.  

  21. He/she'd get fired pretty quickly.  You should file a report to the Principal or the school board.

    However, it might be a little different if it was a PE teacher and he/she was demonstrating a wrestling move.  

    I hope you're not talking about a PE teacher; because if you are you need to shut up and grow some balls.

  22. If you go to a public school then that is a serious offense and you need to tell the school and get the police involved. If its a private school then there are different rules about that stuff but you would still need to talk to the principal about it.

  23. you need to press charges for asault and sew trust me thats some serious stuff yur taken about cause stuff like that dont happen at my school

  24. Whoever was being the most evil, that's who the school system and/or police will believe and support.  Nonetheless if you have witnessed something like this you should absolutely report it, especially if you're not the victim but standing up for someone else who was attacked.  Submit complaints in writing and perhaps also contact the local media.

  25. If this happened while you were sitting quietly, the teacher should be fired and charged with assault and battery.  If you were in a fight and the teacher did this to remove you from a dangerous situation, there should not be any punishment - it was your own fault.

  26. Tell your parents.

  27. Report it to the police, that's harrassment, he will probably get fired.

  28. Oh wow. if you wanted you could sue for assault and you can defnitely tel the school principal. thats illegal no doubt. so take it to court if you want.

  29. Tell your parents and let them have a meeting with the principle, super, and teacher.  Write down what happened and get witnesses involved.

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