
If aliens existed............

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......what would be the main reasons for them not wanting to contacting us as a species?




  1. Our lack of resources that are useful to them - anything we have that they need they'll just come and get it - destroying anyone who gets in our way and enslaving those who don't.

  2. It would cause a social uprise and people would go crazy with joy. Plus it can potentially turn into a war because of some ignorant people.

  3. clamidia....aliens are very susceptible too disease.

  4. I think all the space based sci fi shows like Stargate and startrek, babylon 5, and host of others answered that question already when they pointed out the fact that we are still prone to violence, and we have too many unstable governments who are willing to use violence for something as ridiculous as restricting religous freedom.

    I mean they'd see our good nations that still believe in individual rights and that no government is better  then the people it governs, and all are created equal, and they'd even probably appreciate the whole idea that we've made consessions for peace negotiations even sacrificing our own glory for the sake of peace. The U.S. has returned a lot of land throughout the world without taking it as our own. And we have not conquered other nations through war for our own glory, mostly through influence for the sake of securing our own freedom and taking action to subvert war wherever possible.

    They may see this and think wonderful things, but then they'd probably realize the corruption that also occurs when governments start talking. I mean already the UN has shown it's desire to have control over policy making within nations around the world. And the corruption that could lead on from that.

    And I for one believe in Christ, and that anti-christ will riegn ultimately for 7 years until the actual Christ puts an end to him.

    So I am forced to believe we are far too enclined to corruption and destruction of those who refuse to agree with us as a species to expect that any aliens desiring peaceful contact and obviously technology trading (that would inevitably happen legally or illegally) to think that they wouldn't one day have to deal with wars against us, not to mention the strenuous relationships they may have with different governments or peoples of thier own planet.

    However I'm not sure that there are aliens out there, i'm sure there is a devil and a host of demons that wish to decieve us from believeing and putting our faith in God by whatever means neccessary, but I can't be sure of aliens.

    God may have made a whole host of other sentient species and they may all have thier savior story or bible, but I don't know that God would allow us to meet in light of our deciding to sin, and even now many over the whole world are rejecting Christ more and more. I wouldn't be suprised that we never meet another sentient species till Christ riegns for a millenia after the anti-christ. Because as long as we continue this roller coaster of serving God right, then serving by our own way, and rejecting part of what God says, and then coming back to rightousness with God, and then now we more and more are rejecting Him altogether which is something that hasn't happened yet in the development of the free speaking world.

  5. they would be afraid of our

    diseases, greed for knowledge, and

    that we would kill them.

    i mean, come on. humans have made

    hundreds of species go extinct for no

    particular reason.

  6. Thats easy...They are waiting for humans to smarten up with the wars,greed/love of money...People have to get rid of money to enter the future where the aliens will converse with us...threre are other reasons as well...They are slowly adapting humans to the fact that there IS---other intelligent life other than lil ol earth...They have been around so very long now, but now is when we can actually get some proof to back up what we have seen...

       Here is a cinario for you...when a person goes to an isolated part of the world to visit,,,do they go in screaming and makeing a ruckess??? no--- they do not, they venture in , being carefull not to disturb what they might see...This is what the aliens are also doing...They are also curious to see if we are going to desrtoy ourselves like so many other worlds have far --- I am afraid the answer is yes...GODS wrath is also around the corner...God wants money to be wiped off the face of the earth...Not only that--- but GOD actuall has some aliens working for him ( thats the truth )...They are the gray ones; the ones we can see under hypnosis, they are in the back deepness of our minds for a reason you know, it is because we are related to them...It is a whole D.N.A" type thing going on with GOD, the ALIENS and the early form of HUMANS...the three were mixed to produce the modern man. THAT is the truth...and that is why GOD can say that he created man and woman from man...then we were placed here on earth to inhabit it...this is why they can't find the missing link---cause there isn't one...early humans got up to a certain point, then GOD and the aliens interveined with the new human ( like a hybrid )...Cave man died out and modern man became the child of GOD...This is how GOD fits in with science my friend...We did not come from dust...we came from a mixture of D.N.A. and were then placed here...Then GOD said ; here is man and woman...

       I am afraid this is the truth about where we came from...That is also why cavemen drew spacecraft & aliens on cave paintings, and why there are spacecrafts in some early oil paintings as well...

       We are way behind other alien beings, but probally way ahead of other ones as well...

  7. Extraterrestrial life is statistically likely. However ET would have to abide by the same laws of physics as we do, and that makes it likely that they could not travel the vast distance needed. But if they did have the ability, consider  this:

       1 The earth is located on the edge of a large spiral galaxy. Would you drive as far away as possible from the city just to say hello to the first stranger you meet?

      2 If they have the technology to travel faster than light, then they would have the technology to decode our tv and radio transmissions. When you consider the constant barrage of commercial ads for remedies aimed at occasional irregularity, painful rectal itch, this syndrome and that disorder, then they are probably afraid of catching something

    3 if they are within 100 light years or less, they may have already decoded our broadcast tv and radio signals and sent us an answer. when hasn't got here yet.

  8. I would imagine for the same reason why the most of us do not try to communicate with Gorillas and dolphins on an intelligent level.

    Any Aliens capable of inventing a viable technology to travel the distances necessary to travel between stars is not going to be too bothered communicating wit a species which has barley made it out of their own planet.  Maybe they have no curiosity obut life outside their own planet(s).

    If we survive the next 500 years or so you never know we could probably have a go at mounting a meaningful search for life outside out solar system, which given the sheer size of what's out there I'm sure exists.

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