
If everything in the world?

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if everything in the world was rational, do you think anything could happen?




  1. ...indecision would run amok in the world...determining what is rational...

  2. anything could happen  and  does   regardless   of  people..  things.. animals    or whatever..   ..

    that  is  it  s  always   just  happening..

  3. No.  Rationality has its limits.  The terms 'anything' and 'everything' implies free of limits.  This is why science and the mind fail to recognize God, because it only deals in what is rational, predictable, tangible and linear.  Science excludes chaos, unpredictability, irrationality and the intangible all the while accepting its existence.  The true geniuses of mankind realize that the mind and rationality can only take humans so far.   For 'anything' to happen, the universe must include all potential possibilities which science is unable to do because of the linear, rational limitations to form.  The formless must be included to consider form.

  4. Now that's irrational

  5. "Anything" does happen, all the time, unexpected catastrophes (tsunamis), earthquakes - one could go down the list! Whoever said that life was rational and properly organized? We'd like it to be and make efforts to do so but Nature's natural state is chaotic and constantly changing.

    I wonder if that answers any of your question, but it's a try!

  6. Why not? We thought that humans could never fly.

    Now we have airplanes.

    If you think it's impossible for the technology of warp and teleportation to exist outside games and animes, well, think again.

  7. do you mean in terms of people? I don't even think people could be rational all of the time...people are too emotional to be rational all of the time...

  8. I believe alot more could happen.

  9. No!

    I think if you move to 'hard materialism' you get into 'scientific determinism'. There really is no choice or responsibility if you go down that way. I think that classical Theism is the best explanation of the world we see and experience.

  10. Rationality could become bad.

    For example, if we were faced with a choice that had equal rewards either way, which one would we choose?

    There would be no rational answer.

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