
If i raise my caloric intake...?

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if i raise my caloric intake to 2,200 calories, i know i will initially gain weight but will my metabolism eventually rise to meet this and then will i stop gaining or will i gain forever?




  1. yup you got it right, you might not even gain that much weight unless you exercise too or youll lose the weight quicker than you gained it

  2. I think that has to do with if you also start working out with weights and cardio on a very consistent basis.  If you raise your calories and do not change anything in your physical world you will just gain weight.

    Thanks for reading!

  3. This is a complicated question, as it depends on what you are eating, how you are eating it, when you are eating it.... etc....

    Simple answer, yes, you will continue to gain weight unless you improve your physical activity to burn 200 more calories.  

  4. after a while ur metabalism adjusts eating this much u do it forever u wont gain weight forever i had to go up from a 1200cal diet to 2500cal diet that's like double! my body stopped gaining after a month i gained 15lbs total which i needed anyhow that's why i raised it now im at a steady weight picked up working out and am staying healthy! try that workout more but do that itll prob take a few weeks assuming ur addling like 500cals to ur diet more or less

  5. you may find more information about this on

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