
If it was possible...?

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if you were given the chance to go through life without having to love not even feel love, would you take the chance... or would you still want to have the feelings you get from loving

somebody...including the pain that goes with it?




  1. I want LOVE. Right now I'm kinda lonely and hate it.  

  2. Feelings...even pain, are part of what makes you who you are.  I would not want to miss out on a single second.  I have had some pretty painful experiences, but they are part of me and I would not want to trade them for anything :)

  3. Only by experiencing pain can one truly understand joy and happiness. Perhaps why so many great artists have been a little manic-depressive. Or bipolar to use the current lingo.

  4. I want the feelings of loving someone and that includes the pain.

    Honey, that's what living is all about. Without that, what's the point?

  5. I think that love is worth the pain that can possibly go along with it, so no, I would not like to live a life without love...

  6. cuz i'd rather feel pain than nothing at allllll

    haha song.  

    well. idk. because for now. until someone proves me wrong i dont believe in love. so i'd rather not feel it. a lie.  

  7. No because love is worth the pain which comes along with it

    i'd rather experience love and pain than nothing at all

  8. I've gone thru most of my life w/o love ! never felt ANY from my family !! I learned 2 become my own best friend & 2 amuse myself !!!

  9. i would give anything for love. if you didnt feel pain what would love be?

  10. Pain is unavoidable, and that which does not kill us only makes us stronger.  Love is worth it in the long run!!  :@)
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