
If life is a game........?

by  |  earlier

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Do you follow the rules or do you cheat?




  1. well you can break the rules but you would be risking your life there. there are many ways to cheat but you will always get what you gave. to say you could steal anything instead of earning money for it. You could cheat in many other ways, just think of cheating in normal life and just apply it to the game.

    good luck and cheers ^^

    oh btw there is no reset button when there's a game over in the game of life, so think carefully before you act. ^O^

  2. The game of life , huh? What a novel idea! :)

    Seriously, I don't see life as a game, therefore I don't feel the need to cheat. I for one am in no rush to get to the finish line.

  3. I do what I think is right, whether that's following or breaking the rules.  Sometimes rules are stupid and they deserve to be broken :-)

  4. That depends really on what the circumstances are.  If's it's cheating aging then I follow the rules.  Im not having plastic surgery to change my body appearance.  I would say mostly I follow the rules...but again..that's not always true.

  5. What are the rules?  I follow MY rules for living, some people interpret that as cheating.

  6. I follow the rules 'as much as possible'. Cheating is defined by what others do and consider as cheating. If everyone else is getting ahead of me by 'cheating' then definitely - I WILL 'cheat' ! Lol !

  7. i do what suits me. if it means bending the rules then i have no problem.

  8. Well I hope life ain't a game,for I take life vary seriously,but if it was a game,I'd follow the rules,as I do now,for cheating is wrong,I'd be faithful....

  9. I don't break rules, necessarily...and I certainly don't cheat.  I'd rather say that I make my own rules - ensuring that no one is harmed in how I live my life...

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