
If mars was like earth.

by  |  earlier

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and a different race similar 2 humans,how would we communicate.shuttles rocketing into mars on a daily schedule just like advanced would our arsenal be,would one invade the other,or someone goes to mars and ends up infecting the race with aids.the whole thing would be catastrophic wat u think.




  1. Hi, this is a subject I often talk about, do you honestly think if there was a race out there ( And I think there is, no, I am not a Fool) with our violence, rape, murders, Guns, Knifes, Robbers, Muggers, they would; want to communicate with the likes of us?

  2. The odds are that there is two planets as similar stages in there evolution and progress like you've just described somewhere in the universe.  The best thing you can do is read some good sci-fi novels.

  3. they would all be here claiming political asylum and benefits etc lollol.

  4. I doubt governments would tell us at first, cos it might cause mass panick on earth, and also we could just use radiowaves

  5. How could mankind be at peace with beings from another planet when it can't be at peace with the beings here?

    Many people will want to do the right thing- to learn how to communicate with them, to share (imagine- interplanetary resource trading?!), to allow biplanetary citizenship, etc. But if in the USA, a country that prides itself on being a "meltingpot" a person is condescended upon for having dark skin or eye folds, there is no way that a visitor from Mars could ever be accepted.

  6. To be honest, I think there would be a huge war, because it's just human nature to destroy anything unknown =[

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