
If money were no object?

by  |  earlier

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What would you buy , and for who would it be for ? if money were no object




  1. a massive house for me and my family to live in.

  2. charity

  3. i would buy all the empty properties and make them available to all the homeless people.

  4. A plane ticket to New York

  5. I would by at ticket to travel the world.  1st class.   For me and the missus.

  6. i would get my mom a puppy

  7. i would pack in work buy a motor home and ..........go baby go

  8. a candy cane.(sarcasmn, but don't dis the cany canes, they is tasty!)

    god there are so many options, i think i might get one of those free-style luxury cruise ships.

  9. food, clothes, water and housing for third world countries.

    trees to plant in the ever decreasing rainforrests. i'd give money to all the family's who are not as well off as the rich people, and money to all the family's with childern to give them a good upbringing.

    money to the police and organisations like childline to try and stop children being abused, and money to the orphanages to pay for the little ones with no parents.

    i'd also buy a big house and adopt as many orphans as possible to try and give them some love and a stable upbringing.

  10. I would get all 3 of my kids brand new cars.

  11. a huge bungalow for my mother and father because they find it hard to climb stairs

  12. A house for my hubby, 3 daughters and I, far away from where we live now.

    An Arsenal season ticket for all 5 of us.

    Pay of all our debts.

    Holiday abroad (my kids never been to an airport, let alone on a plane abroad)

    My Mum, would get whatever she wanted, because of everything she and my Dad (now passed away) have always given me.

    This is not in the correct order, by the way!

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