
If one of Obama's daughters...?

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If one of them were pregnant? Would Obama still have a shot? Or would his entire campaign be destroyed?




  1. rolls eyes -

    enough about that already...

    Not an issue.  Who really cares?

  2. If he had a daughter old enough to be pregnant, yes I'd say it probably would be destroyed by that.  He doesn't though and as he said; we should leave the kids out of this.

  3. Since the oldest one is 10, I don't think that is even worth considering. Palin smoked his a$$ tonight.

  4. They would talk about them just like they criticize his wife (Michelle) right now.  Notice how the criticism stopped once Obama said that families were "off limits"...anyone else noticed how all those attacks on his wife abruptly stopped after Palin told the world about her unwed..pregnant...uneducated teenage daughter?  

  5. I don't know but Obama did say that his mother concieved him out of wedlock at 17 too. Regardless, Everyone's family is screwy. I think family should stay out of it!

    I loved what Palin said:

    Obama uses CHANGE to promote his career. McCain uses his career to promote CHANGE.

  6. Well Yea they are like 11 and 6--noone really cares about Palins 17 year old daughter being pregnant--one more year--whan 18 wouldn't have even been mentioned--except for the fact she is pro-life--who cares about all the family issues O worry more about the economy and the stupid war we are in--I like Palin--just think Obama is a better pick--my choice not based on family or "experience"--I actually want somone with non in Washington.

  7. They would destroy him!! They slime him mercilessly when they have no facts, just think what would happen if they had something True to talk about.

  8. the campaign would have been total destroyed, they would have been talking back that for weeks

  9. Aren't they only like 8?

    McCain/Palin '08!

  10. Of course not The messiah would have her taken to planned parenthood for immediate fetalcide. she'd be vacumed out and returned to the house before the media notices.

  11. haven't I already answered this question today

  12. It would definitely be destroyed.

  13. At the ages they are now?? Yea it would be over. lmao.

    But if you mean if she were 17 and pregnant, yea the conservatives would be slinging mud left and right.  

  14. What do you think?

    Yeah, I'm really sure O'Reilly, Limbaugh, and Coulter would be gathering around to support the Obama family and telling people to back off, since they are such pillars of class and compassion.


    No, they'd all be blaming it on "promiscuous liberals" and yammering on about how teaching teenagers about contraception and birth control encourages teens to have s*x. ( A lie, btw)

    I mean, really. This is not even up for debate.

  15. If one of them were pregnant (when they are old enough) they are much more likely to have an abortion and it would never be known.  

  16. Nope, the media would put his daughter on a pedestal and say how intelligent she was to know how to have s*x at 9yrs old.  Nothing Obama can do is seen negatively by the media.

  17. obam's daughter are pretty young . palin daughter range from 5 mo's to  18 i think.

  18. Yes - Obama would leave the choice up to the kid rather than impose it. I'm sure he would express his opinion but I think he would let them decide what's best for them. If they are comfortable with abortion than fine what's the harm. I don't see a big deal with this issue. Shouldn't it be that way - where the choice should be up to the women not some government law?

  19. The Liberal Democrats would probably applaud him for being such a good father to support his daughter during her pregnancy if she were pregnant.

    Liberal = hypocrite

  20. He'd be toast.  She will be toast after the debates.

  21. Well. it would certainly be HUGE news and get a lot of coverage.  Whether his campaign was destroyed is impossible to say.


  23. First that would be amazing since as his eldest daughter is only 10 and his youngest is 7.  If persay they were older teenagers I think he would still have a shot.  Someone's daughter being with child has nothing to do with being president or vice president  

  24. If Obama's daughter had a child out of wedlock, you would hear about it non-stop on Fox News. And yes his campaign would be over.

  25. The Republicans would consider Obama's kids "fair game". Remember John McCain's crack about Chelsea Clinton 10 years ago?

  26. Obama's daughters are still very young. They would most likely have an abortion and you would never know about it.

  27. no

    because right wing retards would bash him SOOO hard, unlike what sarah palin's daughter. Heck, you can tell they'll destroy his campaign just by the fact that he USED to be muslim. And seriously, you republicans what the h**l is wrong with being muslim?!?

  28. Pregnant? They're to young to be pregnant...  

  29. Nobody cares. She wasn't present when her daughter was spreading her legs. Everyone who is bringing this stuff up, their parents should have kept their legs closed and done this nation a favor. It's useless to talk about because what does it matter? Even if it was Obama it wouldn't matter. h**l, his mom was an unwed pregnant teenager, so what's everyone's point on this? I mean get over it!

  30. Your about 4 days behind sweetie

  31. That would have nothing to so with his chances.

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