
If someone.....?

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If someone is the son of a life Baron, he can enjoy the prefix of "The Hon.", but my question is what would be the title of someone who was such, but was also awarded a Knight Commander of the British Empire (KBE)?

Would it be...

The Hon. Sir _____ _____ OR

The Hon. _____ _____, KBE

Many thanks.




  1. The Baron is styled with "The Honorable, and " Knighthood is designated by the title "Sir". Therefore, the Baron will be styled with "The Honorable X", and titled with "Sir X, (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Baron, KBE."

  2. I don't know the answer but love you user name. But it is B-u-c-k-e-t.  Love that show. lol

  3. The Right-Honourable . . .

  4. It would be The Hon. Sir Joe Bloggs. On credit cards and such like, he would be Sir Joe Bloggs.
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