
If the UNIVERSE collapsed?

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will the whole universe just drop and collapse with no warning?

or will it just contract at the speed of light to where it all started from?




  1. by what the history channel said when it starts to collapse its just going to go the same speed at first and pick up speed as it gets closer together because of i think they said gravitational poll(i might be wrong i cant really remember the episode quite well) but they also said it will be billions of years from now until it happens. you should see if you can find that episode on the internet. remember its called the universe and it was on the history channel.

  2. One of the major research areas in astrophysics deals with the fate of the universe.

    The idea of the universe collapsing into itself is known as the Big Crunch, and is the opposite of the Big Bang.

    If the force of gravity is strong enough, the universe will eventually collapse into itself. However, most scientists believe the force of gravity is not strong enough to cause this. What this means is that the universe will continue expanding for eternity.  

  3. there will be warning because even if it did collapse the speed of light it would probably still take like a billion years to come back where it started

  4.   If it did collapse it would fake 6 billion yeas which is the maximum size of it's radius,6 billion light years.

  5. The expansion of the universe is alluded to 11 times in the Bible: Job 9:8 ; Psalm 104:2 ; Isaiah 40:22 ; Isaiah 42:5 ; Isaiah 44:24 ; Isaiah 45:12 ; Isaiah 48:13 ; Isaiah 51:13 ; Jeremiah 10:12 ; Jeremiah 51:15 ; Zechariah 12:1

    The Bible also alludes to its fate- the soon coming 'Big Rip':

    Revelation 6:14 ; Isaiah 34:4 ; 2 Peter 3:10

  6. it's called the big crunch, and we're not sure at what speed it would come back in.... but i think most agree it'd be near light speed at it's top speed...

    and no we'd see the effects of it almost immediately and it would still theoretically take about as long to come back in that it took to expand... that's not to say we'll still be here when the planets and stars finally start crunching together..... there are an infinite number of ways the collapsing universe could throw off our delicate system that keeps us alive....  

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