
If we came from Apes????

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  1. Well, if dogs came from wolves, why are there still wolves?? So no, it;s not a dumb question, but one that's been answered ad nauseum on this website.

  2. coz apes are cool

  3. Bring on the evolutionists !!!


    Only 4 of you?  Where's the other one?  There's usually 5 of you in the "thumbs down evolution cult"????

    EDIT 2


    Without unequivocal human mediatory fossil evidence, the 'theory of evolution' as an explanation of the "origin of man", falls flat on its face.  No matter how much more very controversial  micro and DNA etc, evidence, you evolutionist keep trying to ram down non-believer's throats    THAT'S a fact, NOT a theory.  And I am NOT a creationist, nor any other religionist either.

  4. I'm a creationist myself, but the theory is not that we evolved from modern style apes, but that we and modern apes evolved from common ancestors.

    No such thing as a dumb question.  :)

  5. First of all, because evolution does not mean replacement.  All life on Earth evolved from single celled organisms, and there are still single celled beasties around.

    Second of all, because apes evolved too!  Humans and apes share an ancestor in our past, in a similar way that distant relatives share an ancestor.  At some point, there was a division in that ancestry that eventually became modern humans AND modern apes.

    People often forget that when we discuss evolution, it applies to ALL living creatures, not just to humans.

    And I've seen this question many, many times before.

  6. we are 99.99  percent  like apes    the are distance cousins   it that human  become  more ability   cope with change

  7. If you and your cousins are both descended from your grandparents, how can your grandparents still exist?

  8. Did your parents look like apes? So why do you say we came from apes?

  9. Not a dumb question. But I can't answer that. I have been taught that we were created, not evalved.

  10. Men didn't evolve from apes but evolved separately from a common ancestor. The expression of a person being a monkey's uncle came from this notion that man is related to the apes but evolved separately from them. And the question is not dumb.

  11. wow omg, you are so right!

  12. Yes, it is a dumb question. And yet people still think they're clever by asking it.

  13. god made us, thats why

  14. Maybe not  dumb question but it is certainly an uninformed question.

    The idea that creationists have of evolution is so skewed and twisted that nobody could possibly swallow it.

    The great thing about science is that it can be updated as new evidence is found, new testing methods are perfected, and new observations are made. So to say that the be-all end-all of evolution is Origin of Species is erroneous. Although it is an important work and was the launch pad for the study of evolution, it is outdated material for the most part. It is not a sacred text to be adhered to blindly.

  15. Well it has been asked about a Gazillion times by creationists, that should know better, but if you don't know & are seeking knowledge, here goes.

    Apes evolved from monkeys. Lemars & monkeys evolved from prosimians.

    Many types of apes appeared about 7 million years ago. Some of these apes were marginally bipedal (walked on 2 legs) & others were quadrapedal (knuckle walking).  Both groups evolved over time & many of the bipedal apes, became evolutionary dead ends as did many of the quadrapedal apes.  Some bipedal apes developed shorter arms, longer thumbs & legs more adapted for running & walking upright.  Still more bipedal apes became extinct as time wore on, but others developed a larger brain & the ability to use tools & fire.  The 1st to be considered "human" was Homo hablis.  It is suspected by many that Homo Erectus evolved from H hablis & that H sapien & H neandertal evolved from Homo erectus. Some dispute has recently developed about Homo hablis as they were alive during the same period as Homo erectus.

    I can go into much more detail on this if you wish, but the common ancestor to both the Great Apes & Humans is long dead & probably did not resemble any Ape or Human currently alive.  We would know much more if these ancient apes had the decency to die where we could find more fossile information.

  16. The question is not dumb only inaccurate. We did not come from apes, we are in fact a species of ape. Because the men who wrote up the names and classification of species -  ( taxonomy ) believed that humans are special and different from all other "animals" on earth, they came as far as classifying us as mammals and primates but gave us a whole special classification as homo sapiens.

    Note lots of ape species are primates as well!

    We are in fact genetically a mammals and belong in the same class as primates and are a sub-species of greater apes ( our close cousins are chimpanzees ).

    We are in fact animals - as opposed to bacteria, plants or fungi.

    The best evidence for our origins is in fact our early development. Look under embryology in the net for pictures of early human babies development. You will see we all begin as a clump of cells, look like a fish with a tail for a short while before becoming more ape like and finally like a human! And Yes, we do have remnants of a tail in our body - the coccyx bones.

    You don't need to believe in evolution, it happened, is happening and will continue to happen long after homo sapiens become extinct. Believe does not change nature, it only changes your actions!

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