
If you create your own company?

by  |  earlier

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what would you name it and what it busness would be




  1. Imperial Creative Industries, it just sounds cool.

    My business would manufacture and program, robotic equipment. Robotic technology is the wave of the future. It assists in creating our cars, our computers, our spaceships and in the operating room. As time pases there will be a need for more robotic technology in every aspect, so the profits are only expected to go up. Best bet for technological company if you ask me.

  2. my new idea is to be a vendor selling what i'm not sure, anything from jewelry to bottles of water to t-shirts. Not sure if that's really a company i guess. It's name might depend on the product being sold depending if i have a stock of something with a place that needs it.

    On a larger scale perhaps a train or subway company that brings train systems to smaller cities.

  3. Imperial Women's Hair Accesories

    right now, im quite facinated with the Chinese Imperial women's hair accesories, there are thousands of them that can be pinned up and its so shiney. plus they dont fall off easily

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