
If you eat a spider....?

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A friend and I are having quite the debate. Here is our stupid question.

I know that if you get bit by a poisionous spider, you can get sick, maybe even die.

What happens if you EAT a poisonous spider? Would you still get sick from the poison in it's body?

No, I am not going to go out and chomp down on a spider. This is just a random fun question.




  1. when u r asleep w/ ur mouth open, lots of things crawl in. hopefully, when u swallow the spider -yes, u said u wouldn't- then drink lots of water over it so it flows 2 ur stomach quickly, then ur stomach acids would melt it b4 it could kill u!  

  2. Depends what kind.

    because the acid in your gut will override most

  3. Yes the poison would attack your vital organs and eat away at them being more serious than being bit by one. It would literally rot your stomach out and cause extreme damage to your kidneys and possibly cause them to shut down and you would die.

    I would much rather have the poison in my bloodstream where there are antidotes than have it in my urinary tract or digestive system.

  4. lol.

    if you eat a poisonous spider, the poison will get to you.

  5. if you eat it, it still has the poison in it. so you would get poisined right? :)

  6. Chompin' down a poisonous spider would still poison you - you'd be opening the intoxins in it's body and releasing the toxics into your system - slowly and painfully killing you. :3

    If you don't chew, it will STILL kill you. In the part of your body that digests the entire spider, to say, it will crush it and turn it into a more liquidy substance and will release the poison into your body - again killing you slowly and painfully. (depending on the kind of spider :3) I recommend not doing this :3

    Stomach Acid would not override the more poisonous of the spiders.

  7. I think ingesting a spider with poison would be worse than having it bite you yes.

  8. Uhh duh it would kill you. Rat poison does that, same thing with spider poison. I have seen someone eat a black widow. He died...

  9. nothing will happen unless you have oral ulcers or ulcers in the gut

  10. i've heard that all spiders are mildly poisonous, and that the average human will unknowingly eat about 7 spiders in their life time. The creepy thing is that most of these eight legged snacks will take place in your sleep.

    hope your not a mouth breather lol

  11. Poisonous - eat it and it harms you (ie. cane toads, some mushrooms)

    Venomous - it bites/stings you and harms you (ie. snakes, spiders)

    Having said that, it probably depends on the species and the nature of the toxins. All spiders are different.

  12. I don't think so, I think th poison has to go straight in2 ur blood. They make antidotes from venom. Don't quote me on this though.

  13. Ok just dont eat the SPIDER!!!LOL

  14. i wouldn't risk it

  15. Probobly.Very gud question.sorry for the spell mistakes

  16. no u could not it must get in your blood system to be poisonous or dangerous

  17. yup you still would probably die

  18. no i dont think so cause it has to go through the bloodstream.

    and plus when people get bitten by poisonous snakes, another person could get some of the venom out by sucking the wound with their mouth, and they probably accidentally swallow some cause they are in such a hurry to save the person.

  19. no it will taste like s*** but you will be fine it has to get into your blood stream to hurt you

  20. you need to find boyfriends/girlfriends.

  21. You would still die and get sick, the same as if it bites you

  22. I've always heard that a normal person eats 3 spiders per year.  If this is true, I would assume some of those people end up eating poisonous ones, I don't think it would hurt you.

  23. Well, you could look this up as easily as I could, so I'll just assume you want my opinion.

    Having no real knowledge of poisonous spiders, here's what I'm thinking:

    I'm pretty sure it would be a bad idea. Suppose you tried to eat the spider without chewing him, couldn't he bite you on his way down? Suppose you DID take a big, gooey bite. Wouldn't that probably break open whatever organ contains the poisonous material, therefore releasing it into your mouth?

    I'm going to have to call it a bad idea, kiddo.

  24. WOW you really need a life!!

  25. I would think that unless it enters your bloodstream that the spider's venom wouldn't hurt you, but wiki-answers has another idea.

    Q - "Is it bad to swallow spiders?"

    A - "Well, maybe as a novelty since there's not much of a food value. However, it would be wise to pick and choose wisely since some of the poisonous ones (recluse, black widow) could risk your life or cause extreme painful."

  26. A friend of the family picked a big, brown spider off of its web(s) and washed it down with beer.  He was severely ill for days.  He was lucky he didn't die.

  27. well in and of itself it would definitely be Darwin award worthy.

    But I think it would depend on several things......

    1.) what kind of spider would it be? a black widow would be worse than a daddy long leg

    2.) if it had a chance to bite you on the inside of your mouth before you could totally chew it up.

    If you didn't chew it up it would most definitely bite you on the way down to the stomach. If you WERE to chew it up then I would have to say that the venom glands (which are like little water balloons......of death =D) would burst in your mouth

    and that would cause the venom to spread throughout your mouth.

    Once it has spread throughout your mouth it would be absorbed though all the tiny blood vessels inside your mouth and tongue, much like the nicotine being absorbed into the blood by a person chewing tobacco.

    so in my opinion I'm almost certain you would get sick. =)

  28. well, i read on a beer cap trivia (so it has to be be true) that the average human swallows something like 3 or 4 spiders while we sleep in a life time, and there are on average something like 6 bug legs in a block of chocolate, if it has legs in it, i guess the rest of their bodies can't be far away. but that didn't answer your question, sorry.

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